Infiniverse Mobile App Beta 1.1 Release

Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2019

We are glad to announce the first update to our beta mobile app. For those that have not yet downloaded it, now is a perfect time to get the Infiniverse public beta app on Android and iOS! For iOS users, you first need to install TestFlight, to let you participate in beta testing. The Infiniverse app supports iPhone 6S+ and all Android devices that support ARCore. Please find the release notes below:

Infiniverse AR Viewer Beta 1.1

  • Ported AR library from 8th Wall to AR Foundation, potentially improving performance.
  • Enabled portrait view in addition to landscape.
  • Added guest login.
  • Added button to easily take screenshots without the UI.
  • Fixed some Google Poly objects failing to import.
  • Disabled AR and GPS in login scene to reduce battery usage.

We are very excited about many of the new features, especially the ability to easily take screenshots without the UI and land tiles, which makes the virtual objects look much more apart of the real environment. Check out the comparison pictures below:

An image taken using the smartphone’s native screenshot function
An imagine taken using the Infiniverse app’s screenshot button

Now that users can take even nicer-looking screenshots, we would like to remind everyone, that our Twitter screenshot contest is still ongoing! For those that missed it, here are the details:

  • 1st Place: 20,000 INF
  • 2nd Place: 10,000 INF
  • 3rd Place: 5,000 INF

The goal of the contest is to tweet your best in-app screenshots and video clips. Judging criteria is specifically looking for the most creative combination of the real-world and digital content. Bonus points if you designed the digital object yourself. The contest will conclude and winners will be announced when at least 100 users have submitted an entry. One user can make an unlimited number of submissions. To make an eligible submission, simply tweet the image or video clip, tag @infiniverseAR and use the hashtags #AR #AugmentTheWorld.

This is just the first of many major updates in 2019. We are so excited for what’s to come and hope you will join us on our mission to augmented the entire world. We look forward to your tweets and feedback, and hope you enjoy the update!

To stay updated on developments we invite you to get involved by signing up to our newsletter and/or joining one of our social media channels. More information and direct links can be found below.

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Infiniverse is an augmented reality digital world running on the EOS blockchain.