OmniAuth-YOYOW Plugin and Homeland-based YOYOW Login Completed Development

2 min readOct 25, 2018


1. Implemented OmniAuth-YOYOW plugin in Ruby

OmniAuth is the most popular method of achieving 3rd party login in Ruby. It integrated over 300 3rd party login methods (strategies) such as Weibo, WeChat and Alipay, etc.

The YOYOW team has developed the OmniAuth-YOYOW plugin based on OmniAuth, which means:

a) All development teams using Ruby can directly import OmniAuth-YOYOW gem and quickly implement YOYOW login without having to write the code.

b) Added YOYOW login to seamlessly connect with traditional 3rd party login methods, with modes coexisting.

2. Implemented YOYOW login based on Homeland Open Source Software

Homeland is a set of open source forum plugins based on Ruby on Rails. Many websites built their forum system based on Homeland, such as: 36Kr, Ruby China, Ethfans, TesterHome, etc.

Based on this open source software, the YOYOW team implemented the YOYOW login with the above-mentioned OmniAuth-YOYOW gem, which only needs a little configuration.

That is to say, forums built using Homeland like DPoS Club have no integration barriers in terms of technology, and can integrate into YOYOW at any time. Codes are uploaded to GitHub, click the link to check

About DPoS Club

The DPoS Club Forum ( is the most professional Graphene developer community in China, gathering Graphene technology developers and enthusiasts, continuously promoting and popularizing Graphene blockchain technology, helping Graphene toolkit release the potential of blockchain and smart contracts and provide developers with a broad display platform and potential opportunities. At DPoS Club, you can share the latest and most cutting-edge Graphene ecosystem technical information and articles, view audio, video, graphic tutorials for Graphene technology, participate in online discussion and offline communication activities for developers, and cooperate with DPoS projects to build a better Graphene ecosystem.

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