The First Anniversary of YOYOW Mainnet Release: Interview with 32Know

6 min readSep 18, 2018


In March 2017, YOYOW was officially established. In September 2017, the YOYOW mainnet was released. Under the development of a year, we have achieved certain results. In 2018, YOYOW has accelerated the integration of partners and the construction of an ecosystem.

In March 2018, the first eco-product Biask was officially implemented into the YOYOW public blockchain. In May, YOYOW announced its ecological partners at the YOYOW V1.0 product launch conference including the MDL Talent Hub, Beenews, Biask, and WeCenter. In July, the token releasing feature of “Fan Xing” version was released.

With the improvement of the YOYOW public blockchain, more new members have joined the YOYOW system. In August 2018, 32Know and YOYOW officially established partnership. The name of 32Know derived from the poem lines “Outside the bamboo forest there are two or three peach blossoms; the ducks in the river are the first to know about the warmness of the water in spring”. 32Know is a well-known blockchain-based vertical content platform. The cooperation with 32Know demonstrated the huge pattern that YOYOW as a content blockchian project tries its best to improve the blockchain-based content value network.

On the first anniversary of YOYOW mainnet release, Mr. Lee, CMO of the 32Know team was invited for YOYOW’s interview to share the stories of the cooperation between the 32Know team and the YOYOW team.

The interview records are as follows:

Interviewer: First of all, let’s welcome Mr. Lee, CMO of the 32Know team. Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule for our interview. Please introduce the business pattern and the development of 32Know to the audience first.

Mr. Lee: Hello, the friends from YOYOW and everyone that cares about the blockchain industry.

I am Li ZongTai, CMO of the 32Know team, who is mainly responsible for the operation and promotion of the company. The 32Know project was conceived by our founder Mr. Zhang Bohan in 2015 and he founded 32Know after that. The most important vision of 32Know is to establish an MCN organization in blockchain field. Just like Sina Weibo, WeChat, and Douyin which have become the platforms of gathering the celebrities of different industries, we hope to gather the celebrities of the blockchain industry. The content of our platform is also related to the blockchain industry.

The way that the celebrities gather together is nothing more than contracting people or training themselves. From this perspective, there is no difference between the traditional MCN organization and the MCN organization supported by blockchain. However, from the perspective of revenue, the traditional MCN organization will take most of the traffic revenue brought by the celebrities as its own. Due to the introduction of the blockchain technology, we can allocate more traffic revenue to the participants and the contributors to the traffic. This idea is consistent with the business concept of YOYOW and YOYOW gives 32Know exactly the support of the core technology in this aspect.

In terms of the platform participants, the main user circle can be divided into three layers. The first one is the content producers namely the authors. The second one is the common users and the third one is the project.

For the authors, they can write some content related to the blockchain industry on our platform. Before these authors post their articles online on the platform, they need to provide some of their articles for us to evaluate. If the quality of the articles is very good, we will send out invitations to the authors.

This also ensures that the information received by all the readers of our community is the most professional and effective. After accepting the invitations, the authors will receive some tokens as incentives when they create the related content on the platform. The users can also gain some tokens as rewards by investing in the potential articles.

As the quality of the content improves, the traffic will also increase. When the project starts to put advertisements, the advertising resources will also be paid in tokens. Even the readers will get tokens as incentives after reading the advertisements completely.

The incentive scheme using tokens can not only better guarantee the authenticity of the reading data but also enable everyone involved in the construction and active participation of the platform to obtain corresponding benefits.

In May 2018, we officially launched the internal test version of our product and the Android version was also released. At the end of August, half a month ago, our IOS version was also officially approved to launch. The entire set of products is currently under active promotion.

Interviewer: Mr. Lee, your introduction was very clear and let us have a specific understanding of the 32Know project. Then, what is the specific feeling of your cooperation with the YOYOW team?

Mr. Lee: 32Know and YOYOW officially established partnership at the end of July this year. YOYOW also made a considerable investment in 32Know. I would like to thank YOYOW here.

The tokens of 32Know are also released on the platform of YOYOW. The YOYOW team also gave us a lot of guidance during the technical cooperation. In terms of the exploratory depth of the blockchain technology, the YOYOW team is very experienced. The integration of YOYOW undoubtedly plays a complementary role to our products.

Because I am mainly responsible for the operation and promotion, so the cooperation with the YOYOW team in this part is more specific and also very impressive. The mature promotion strategy of the YOYOW team also helps us a lot and let us take less detours. Here, I would like to thank Xiaosu, a member of the YOYOW team, who is responsible for the connection with me. Xiaosu tries to increase the brand exposure of 32Know during the promotion and he is a very sincere partner.

Before working with YOYOW, we tended to design and plan our product orientation and promotion schemes from the perspective of the content of new media based on our experience.

The experience inheriting from the promotion of FMCG and new media content promotion was also greatly improved after communicating with the YOYOW team. YOYOW, as an experienced team in the blockchain industry, can give us effective suggestions.

Interviewer: It can be seen that the cooperation between 32Know and YOYOW is sincere and pragmatic. This indeed fully reflects the basic spirits of the blockchain industry and the decentralized sharing attitude. As the development of blockchain technology deepens, what do you think of the entire blockchain industry and the blockchain technology?

Mr. Lee: Our team has great trust in and is hopeful about the blockchain technology. The blocchain technology is indeed a revolutionary solution due to its features of being immutable, open and transparent. The blockchain technology is promising in the areas like drug safety information transparency.

For the advancement of blockchain technology, the role of token is very important. We hope it can revitalize the activeness of the entire application. For the developer of the blockchain application, they don’t need to interfere excessively with this since the rules of token have been established after the system is built up.

The harmonious interaction between the project, content producers and users can maintain the health of the ecosystem and the activeness will continuously increase, only by which can the basic principle of decentralization of blockchain be widely disseminated.

32Know itself is a content platform that uses the framework of blockchain technology to spread the blockchain technology. In this respect, it can also help the general public to better understand the blockchain technology.

Interviewer: Yes. From the perspective of YOYOW, it is very worthwhile to develop cooperative relationship with the vertical content platforms like 32Know and to grow together so as to make the implementation of the blockchain technology in content area become more in-depth.

Mr. Lee: On the occasion of the first anniversary of YOYOW mainnet release, here on behalf of the 32Know team and our founder Mr. Zhang Bohan, I wish YOYOW a happy birthday and hope that YOYOW can be better and better.

We know that it is hard to develop a decentralized community ecology based on the blockchain technology. But the steady development of YOYOW itself and the generous help to its partners have undoubtedly given us lot of confidence.

Interviewer: Thank you Mr. Lee and thanks to the 32Know team.

Source: YOYOW

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