[Infographic] What is Design Thinking?

Gerstbach Design Thinking
1 min readJul 4, 2017


Is it a way of thinking? Or a process? Or just a new buzz word?

Design Thinking is the connection between creativity, empathy and innovation.


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<a href='https://gerstbach-designthinking.com'><img src='https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*TwTZBm4PFDohQEmMvMPOjA.png' alt='What is Design Thinking?' width='700px' border='0' /></a>

For the infographic in German, please click here: https://gerstbach-designthinking.com/blog/infografik-was-ist-design-thinking



Gerstbach Design Thinking

Ingrid Gerstbach twittert über #DesignThinking, #Empathie, #Innovation und #Kreativität. #YouCanChangeTheWorld Mein neues Buch: http://amzn.to/2dil0Of