💎 Injera Protocol Phased Launch

3 min readJun 6, 2024


Hi Ninjas,

In the most anticipated launch on Injective, the Injera protocol will be birth-ed in this month of June and this marks the beginning of a new era on Injective. In this article, we will go through the different phases of the launch of Injera and what you can expect as an end user.

Phase 1 (Open Alpha)

Injera CDP Money Market launch. In the open alpha stage (which will last for a few days as we iron out the kinks in the system), our focus is on getting new users acquainted with the Injera ecosystem and how it works. The following features will be made available:

  • Referral system to earn points that will culminate in a GEM airdrop: Successful referrals will require at least $1000 deposit into the Injera protocol. A total of 3 random snapshots will be taken throughout the farming season, and failure of 2 out of 3 snapshots will result in no successful referral/airdrop. Successfully referred users will also earn points. The more points you get, the more GEM airdrop you will receive. Each user will be able to create their own unique referral code.
  • Supplying and borrowing of assets: Users will be able to supply any large cap tokens such as BTC, ETH, USDT, INJ to earn supply interest. You will be able to borrow assets such as BTC, ETH, USDT, INJ and USDi. USDi borrowings will be overcollaterized through our Money Market CDP.

Phase 2 (Growth Stage)

GEM Airdrop farming launch. We enter the growth stage, and focus on attracting as much TVL as possible onto Injective, and into the usage of Injera. With a larger TVL, we gain larger earning potential that is distributed to users, which in turn attracts even more capital. The following features will be made available:

  • Issuance of GEMs when users supply assets on Injera money market
  • Issuance of GEMs to holders of Injective and Dojo ecosystem assets

Phase 3 (Open Beta)

USDi staking utility launch. After having accrued sufficient USD yields and insurance funds, we will begin issuing USDi rewards through our staking feature (sUSDi). Users will have the option to stake USDi to earn yields, or stake USDi to earn GEM. The following features will be made available:

  • sUSDi staking feature where you lock USDi to receive sUSDi. USDi rewards will accrue into the sUSDi token
  • An alternative farm will be setup for USDi holders to stake and earn GEMs

Phase 4 (Ecosystem Integration):

Injective Ecosystem Integration. After stablizing all protocol internals, we will focus on integrating all aspects of Injera with the rest of the Injective ecosystem. This includes players like Hydro, Neptune, Black Panther and ourselves at DojoSwap etc. Yield farming will be setup for USDi holders to boost earning potential for USDi.

A lot has gone into the build and as such, we are rolling Injera out in these phases so that you can familiarize and become champions of the product. We look forward to the launch and your continued support, and let’s enter this new era of Injective together.




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