What’s yet unsolved in Disney’s Tangled?

Radhika G
4 min readMay 10, 2020


Unsloved Disney Questions

While Tangled is a binge-worthy quarantine movie, you might have become aware of the fact that the story evolves around Kingdom Corona. Besides the laments of whether or not to change this kingdom’s name, there are some intriguing insights that remain unspoken for a long time.

Apart from certain glitches in the movie, the plotline portrays a mix of emotions and hauntingly-beautiful sequence. Especially, reminiscing the part when Flynn confesses his real self as Eugene to Rapunzel, the melancholy hummed with a slight relief make the scene exceptional. Along with many memorable pictures of conspicuous particulars, what never left me is the question that crept nearing the climax.

So no one questioned Rapunzel?

Unsolved Disney Question: Queen Arianna and Rapunzel
Queen Arianna and Rapunzel

When birth mother Queen Ariana saw Rapunzel for the first time, how did she accept her as the daughter at the very instant? Shouldn’t Rapunzel be required to prove her identity as the lost princess? However, the blonde hair could have been a piece of potential evidence for the identification but damn! Eugene cut her beautiful long blonde hair, saving her from Mother Gothel (No offence to Eugene fans though 😜)

So, all that Rapunzel brought with her were an escaped criminal Eugene, a stolen crown and a huge Blah story of Mother Gothel. Neither of those can authenticate the supposed. Instead, the shreds of evidence arouse a plausible suspicion on Rapunzel to have involved in Eugene’s act of thievery, so as to confiscate the Kingdom Corona. Sensing the fishiness, the King might have ordered to lock Rapunzel and Eugene behind the bars. Anyhow, I still prefer Tangled’s way of Happy Ending.

Guard “Instincts”?

Disney Unsolved Question: Tangled Guard
Guard of Kingdom Corona

Perhaps, some could argue that the birth parent’s maternal instincts are unquestionable. So, what if they had recognized their daughter at first sight? In which case, I guess the guards have these “instincts” too. While the guard in the climax came to report the return of Rapunzel, there was a clear sign of surety in his eyes accompanied by an affirming nod. Of course, we can say that this assurance is because of the guard’s detective “instincts”.

If it were me…

Tangled Quotes: I’m the lost princess
Tangled Quote: I’m the lost princess

In the end, if this were a Kingdom that believes people for their words, I would go back in time and put on a blonde wig. I would have claimed that “I am the lost princess”. And, the kingdom would have been mine. Happy Ending 😳

Either the people of Kingdom corona are honest to their conscience, or they are too dumb to plot a plan. Honestly, I wonder how those 18 years passed with no one Fake-Representing themselves as Rapunzel.

Just a Phew

Tangled unsolved question: Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel

This is not a question but this is a sigh of my relief. I always had thought ‘what if Mother Gothel had known that Rapunzel’s tears possess magic too?’. So, when Eugene cut Rapunzel’s hair, Gothel would have used the alternate magic. She would have flipped the table and treated Rapunzel differently. The picture of Gothel troubling Rapunzel for her tears disturbs me. Gladly, that never happened! Phew!

Why not Tangled 2?

Mother Gothal Cloak

The climax scene of Tangled sure leaves a possible story for Tangled 2. Though Mother Gothel didn’t have supernatural powers, she is a witty and cunning woman. In fact, she is one of the best Disney villains of all time. And, the way she died doesn’t feel like an end. The disappearance of Mother Gothel into thin air- gives me a hunch of her returning in some sort of week form. Featuring her in nightmares of Rapunzel in The series: Tangled can’t be enough. At present, the only continuity to the movie is Tangled Ever After which is a short wedding clip of Rapunzel and Eugene. Rather than redoing animated Disney movies with celebrities, I wish Disney prefers to make part 2 with animated characters. Don’t you all agree?



Radhika G

Posting write-ups on things that catch my attention. Particularly, animated realities :)