Curiosity — How to monetize on a heritable evolutionary characteristic.

Innocent Mugenga
3 min readFeb 12, 2018

It is probably curiosity that leads you to this article. I know it is curiosity that drives me to write it. So, my goal is to explore ways we can monetize on this curiosity and dive deeper into my thoughts on “how to navigate and win in this information age”.

Your spontaneous thought might be that curiosity is a quite insipid subject, and you’re right in the fact that it is a part of basic heritable characteristics ingrained in all human beings.

The premise of our current work is that these traits are the most important to study so that we can further our understanding of our behavior and gain some control. We’ve learned more about the human brain the past ten years than we’ve ever known, but this information is yet to be widely spread and utilized.

The main idea is that being informed about the nature of our actions brings it from our subconscious into our conscious. So, instead of living our lives reactively, we need to learn how to proactively, use it and then turn a trait like curiosity into our superpower.

My curiosity has, as long as I can remember, been an overwhelming force that I haven’t been able to turn off (even though it would have been great to be able to pause at times). When I was younger, I didn’t have the tools to utilize this entirely, but I believe I have always been able to find a connection between the new exciting information I have consumed and some previously known facts. In that way, I have been able to extract a lot of seemingly random events from my memory and later puzzle it together to update my bank of wisdom and worldview. It is all about perspective!

As I became more conscious of the superpower called curiosity, I set out to find the tools to employ for accelerated learning. Tools such as having a commonplace, spaced repetition, analysis and reproducing the information. Also personal habit improvements such as improving my sleep, finding my “Biological Prime Time”, employing the “80/20 rule”, learning the difference between “Performance Zone” & “Learning Zone” and so on.

The list of tools and proactive habits is quite long, and each needs adjustments to suit a variety of individuals. I will aim to elaborate on a lot of this in future episodes, but in the meantime feel free to visit my best friend, Google.

NEXT: “Proactivity — Reprograming your software and becoming whatever you want to be.”



Innocent Mugenga

Digital entrepreneur with a professional multi-background. How can we utilize curiosity to further our growth and contribute to society in positive ways?