Biggest Tech Predictions for 2020—Part 1

Here is some of the most significant tech developments to look out for in 2020

2019 is quickly coming to a close. With another year of incredible technological progress almost in the books, it’s worthwhile to look to the future and what it might bring. With that said, it’s important to be mindful of the fact that, while a lot can happen over the course of year, it’s unlikely that there will be some monumental shift in the tech world or some completely unforeseen technology that emerges.

It’s steady improvements and iterative breakthroughs with technology that’s already being worked on that lead to the biggest changes in the long run. Yes, some of these developments certainly appear to come out of nowhere. One year we suddenly had the internet! Another year we suddenly had smartphones! Yet, as sudden as these technological advances appeared, they weren’t sudden at all, rather, a culmination of thousands of hours of quiet, deliberate hard work.

This week we at Innovexa Solutions look at 3 of the biggest things set to happen in the world of technology next year.

Self-Driving Vehicles Build Further Trust And Excitement

We’ve been hearing about automated vehicles for quite some time now. However, they never seem to be quite ready for mass use. Given the optics of a self-driving car getting into a catastrophic crash, this very conservative approach to their roll out makes a great deal of sense. Perhaps more importantly, the technology just isn’t there yet.

As such, 2020 will see more testing done on automated vehicles and more legislative loops tackled so that they can be on the streets when they are ready. More cars will have partial self-driving features and there will be more buzz as further success in automated driving is reported. Whether we actually see one on the streets remains highly unlikely.

Blockchain Continues Its Gradual Growth

For several years now, blockchain has had a great deal of hype surrounding it and for understandable reasons. It’s a revolutionary database in terms of the transparency and visibility it provides as well how it democratizes transactions. On the other hand, more recently, that hype has faced skepticism. Understandably so.

Blockchain has not matured enough as a technology to meet the demands and expectations placed upon it. Thus, 2020 won’t be a year of a blockchain explosion. Nor will it be a year where blockchain fades away. Instead, it’s set to be a year where blockchain continues to have steady progress, slowly winning over companies’ trust.

Big Data Becomes Bigger

Data is as valuable a resource as any in this digital age. All the analytics it can produce which can then be utilized via machine learning and market research to generate even more content and, in turn, profit, is simply too critical for companies. The incentives are just too strong for them to ever stop seeking to collect data wherever possible.

And, even as privacy concerns continue to mount, there are no signs that we’re going be able to close pandora’s box on big data. In fact, the amount of people using the internet and social media each year are still growing consistently. Simply put, data is only going to play a more prominent role in our lives going forward.

Key Takeaways:

  • Takeaway 1: Self-driving vehicles are going to
  • Takeaway 2: Blockchain won’t have a breakout year or a detrimental one. More likely, it’ll see a year of slow, sustained growth.
  • Takeaway 3: Big data has become too important to roll back and, as a result, will only continue to grow in the coming year.



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