Overcoming COVID-19: Steps to Digital Transformation—Part 1

With COVID-19 changing the nature of work, digital transformation is more important than ever.

As we’ve said many times, digital transformation is a matter of when rather than if. And that when has been considerably pushed up. With the majority of companies already in the process of planning to or already in the midst of digitizing their operations, COVID-19 has introduced an even greater impetus to make the technological leap as soon as possible.

With that said, going through such a transformation isn’t easy and many companies aren’t in an optimal position to conduct it. Not only does it require commitment, direction, and significant investment, the steps to take to make it proceed smoothly are critical to its success or failure.

This week, we at Innovexa Solutions begin are deep dive into how companies can go about preparing for digital transformation.

Leadership has to Guide the Transformation

No successful digitization effort can be achieved without a company’s leadership guiding it. As we’ve already said, going through such a significant technological advancement comes with some notable hurdles. It will simply fall apart if its not directed, shaped, given life and enthusiasm by leaders.

Leaders who have a clear idea of what they want out of their company’s transformation and can clearly articulate why it’s critical to their company’s future. With that galvanizing and commanding force, digital transformation is propelled forward. In absence of that force, it never get off the ground.

Redirect Management Efforts

If there’s one thing that cripples any attempt at digital transformation, it’s when employees don’t believe in it. Getting people to buy into any change isn’t easy and that’s even more the case with one as foundational as digitization.

As such, as valuable as it is to have your company leaders initiate digital transformation and layout the bigger goals that can be achieved through it, it’s equally critical that your management take the reigns from your leaders to drive home the importance of your digital efforts to all the employees.

It’s up to them to take the big picture vision of leaders and translate it to the day-to-day commitment that will be needed to carry the transformation through, beginning to end.

Evaluate Your Company’s Make up

It’s of the utmost importance that you examine the organizational structure of your company before letting it commence with its digital efforts. The key thing to look out for is any siloing taking place. In order to ensure your transformation goes smoothly, you need everyone on board and working together as opposed to segmented and lacking unity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Takeaway 1: Company leadership has to drive digital transformation, from laying out the big picture vision for it to inspiring enthusiasm.
  • Takeaway 2: Management has a key role to play in ensuring employees buy into your company’s digital undertaking.
  • Takeaway 3: There can be organizational impediments to digitization. As such, make sure to analyze your company’s structure and break down any silos.

If you’re an association or business and you want to make the most of your data, we can help. Our data platform — the Innovexa Digital Cloud — can masterfully manage your data while integrating all your most valuable tools, and so much more. Visit our website to find out more, including how you can get a free trial!



Innovexa Solutions | Digital Cloud Platform

We exist to provide associations the infrastructure and confidence to go digital, ensuring them their place in the future.