Netmera is a mobile engagement platform that not only offers innovative features, but also provides exclusive industry specific know-how. This enables enterprises to gain more efficient, more targeted and more convenient insights, recommendations, reports and analysis; tailor made for their business needs. That being the case, Netmera offers a significant expertise in some major industries such as Telecom.

Netmera expertise contributes Telcos with various communications, customer engagement, and tailor-made campaign scenarios. “Netmera Success Team” periodically organises success meetings where they provide monthly benchmarking reports, give campaign recommendations and industry-specific insights; enabling telcos to increase their mobile engagement, retention and enhance communication initiatives.

Let’s take a look at 3 remarkable Telco use cases and see how the Telco Companies benefit from Netmera;

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İnomera is a leading research and software company working on mobile internet and cloud computing technologies and services.