The Business of Creativity

Insight Projects
4 min readJan 26, 2022

Managing creatives has to be one of the most challenging jobs. I'm not saying this because I do it, but I've noticed something unique. I've led Marine infantry patrols, corporate teams, and I've seen my fair share of different management and leadership techniques. Typically, management and leadership styles can vary by large amounts without affecting output too much. However, management and leadership styles seem to matter much more with creatives.

Creativity's unique thing is that art, inherently, cannot be controlled. Control too tightly, and the art suffers. Offer no control, and the art cannot be leveraged for business purposes. Striking a balance between the two extremes is an art in itself.

Utilizing Leadership by Intent

Leadership by intent is my favorite leadership technique that I learned from the Marine Corps. It goes like this — a mission may require a squad to attack and secure a hilltop, which is a simple order. However, all orders also come with a commander's intent (called intent here). The intent, in this case, maybe to secure the main supply route that the hill overlooks. The squad leader can perform follow-on missions that support the intent.

The use of leadership by intent is essential in distributing decision-making, which is particularly important when the leader does not have technical expertise for a specific job she is responsible for overseeing. I cannot take a professional-quality photo or video to save my life. Attempting to manage photography or videography…

