15 Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2024!

Saida Safikhanova
2 min readJan 22, 2024



In this article on the Forbes website, you’ll discover the latest marketing innovations and trends that businesses should be aware of to remain competitive and relevant in the year ahead. You’ll learn about creator marketing, marketing science, and conversational marketing, which are all crucial for businesses of all sizes to consider.📈

Creator Marketing

One trend that particularly caught my attention was the focus on creator marketing. The article suggests that creators will become the new retailers and department stores, curating goods and services for consumers. This is an interesting development, and I believe that it will be important for businesses to collaborate with creators to reach their target audience effectively. 🏹

Marketing Science

Another trend that I found intriguing was the rise of marketing science. The article suggests that marketing science is a novel approach that combines GTM data and AI, drives crucial improvements, and optimizes the marketing engine for growth. This is a fascinating development, and I believe that it will be important for businesses to leverage marketing science to stay ahead of the curve.

Content Quality

I would like to add that I completely agree with Kristin Russel’s opinion that in 2024, it is more important to create fewer but better quality content, ads, emails, and websites. We should focus on creating memorable and engaging experiences that connect with our target audience on a deeper level. This approach not only helps to grab attention but also drives lead generation by aligning brand messaging to buyer needs.

I believe that this trend will continue to grow in importance in the coming years, and businesses that prioritize quality over quantity will be the ones that succeed in the long run.🚀



Saida Safikhanova

📬 If you share my enthusiasm for exploration, AI, productivity, and writing, let's connect! 🔗 Follow me on www.linkedin.com/in/saida-safikhanova 🌟