Instance Reputation — For Service Providers

2 min readNov 7, 2018


Image by: Instoken, (2018). <>

Instance App service providers will be assigned reputation ratings based on 3 factors as well — consumer’s rating upon completion of service, time taken from initiation to confirmation of service provider and the number of disputes that the service provider has initiated before. A maximum score of 5 will be assigned. Weighting factors will be calculated and adjusted fairly based on the data recorded on the Instance platform.

Public reviews allow service providers to gauge whether they are doing a good job and they should maintain standards, or they are doing poorly and they should urge improvements in their craft. This allows the tendency to work towards providing better service by quickly and efficiently resolving issues consumers have, thereby strategically creating a positive experience for the consumers who will help your business in the future. In other words, by giving customers an experience to remember, they could potentially market your business for you. A handful of positive reviews are possibly worth a great deal as compared to a simple marketing campaign. This is because reviews stay long after being posted, that one review could make your business shine above all. This maintains a positive image to potential customers and create a continual brand awareness that benefits the business down the road.

Reputation is a crucial factor for any business wanting to succeed. Reviewing has been a revolution of marketing itself, especially when your reputation is on the line. The Instance Reputation Protocol allows service providers to actively participate with consumers and serves as a platform for users to voice out and resolve concerns to facilitate improvements. Find out more at the official Instance website

