Simplicity at it’s Best

2 min readAug 29, 2018


The value of convenience is essential in today’s marketing environment. Consumers prioritise the value of convenience over the cost of the product. It facilitates the reach of products and services to consumers in a simple yet engaging manner.

Instance App Concept of Unity Amongst the Community

Instance aims to have a unified software that has a single value chain for consumers to connect with their choices of trusted service providers. When consumers intend to search for one particular service, they would not want to download one application per service. They would not want to go to different platform to find the services. It would be inconvenient for both the customers and service providers.

All-In-One Platform for Consumers and Service Providers

Let’s take a look at this example, a couple is planning to get married. They have to prepare a couple of things like hiring a wedding planner, florist, make-up artist, photographer etc. In a traditional way, the couple would spend a huge amount of time and effort by interacting with various service providers on various platforms. However, with the Instance app already providing an integrated platform, they are able to find all related services necessary to fulfil a particular purpose without having to switch between platforms or engage in different modes of discovery, which is far more efficient and effective.

Instance App empower the service providers because it provides them with an access to wider audience. The integrated platform has granted service providers access to customers who are likely to procure their services along the same value chain, thus allowing them to reach out to unsolicited customers within the same network.

Evidently, Instance App benefits both consumers and service providers. It provides a high value of convenience for consumers and diversification of business for service providers.

The Instance App is available now. You can download the application from App store for iOS user and Google Play store for Android user.

For more information about Instance App, please visit:

