The ‘Instance App’ Review

3 min readSep 5, 2018


Instance App allows consumers to browse, review, compare and evaluate credible service providers, coupled with a platform that allow users to visually connect in real-time, elevating trust and comfort. The app has an intuitive and a user-friendly interface that allows the user to navigate around easily. This article represents a walkthrough and/or review on the features of the Instance app.


Upon registration, you are required to provide your full name, email address and contact number to set up your profile. Alternatively, you can sign in with Facebook account, Twitter or Line. Registration takes two minutes as the process itself is fairly simple.

Home Page

The first thing you will see when opening the app are various categories of services you can browse through along with the latest services available on the app. Users can edit their own personal profile and have access to view merchant profiles to learn more about their potential service provider or competitor.

Finding out more about the services or the merchants

Tap on the services or the merchants to find out more about the offer and profile. Detailed information will appear on the interface such as the name of the service providers, product details, prices, address and option to request for the service.

Call & chat features

In case consumers have inquiries about the merchants or services, Instance app has the chat and call feature which allows consumers to directly communicate with service providers. This allows prompt responses to enquiries and to cater to consumer needs.

Make offer for better deals

The Instance team has negotiated for service providers on board the Instance App to reduce their prices in return for a larger pool of consumers. However, due to the call and chat feature, consumers can further test their negotiation skills on App for better deals. If you are lucky you may be offered a price further discounted.

Make payment with cryptocurrency and fiat

Instance app accepts either cryptocurrency or fiat as a mode of payment. The cash and cryptocurrency payment processes are fairly straight forward. For payments with cryptocurrencies, you are required to provide your details of wallet address, email address and the amount at the bottom of the payment page. Once you have completed all the fields, you may proceed with the payment and the service will be readily available for you to hire.

Write a review

Leave a feedback to help boost the merchant’s reputation and improve the user’s experience with the Instance app. Under the feedback page, you can drop a comment and rating.

Find out more at the official instance website

