What Happens with GEICO if Someone Else is Driving My Car and Gets in an Accident?

Insurance Panda
3 min readJun 11, 2023

Sharing your vehicle with a friend or family member is not uncommon. But have you ever wondered what would happen if someone else is driving your car and gets in an accident? This can be a confusing and stressful situation, especially when dealing with insurance claims and understanding who is liable.

When it comes to auto insurance, most policies, including GEICO, typically follow the car, not the driver. However, various factors can influence this, and the specific details can depend on the individual policy and the circumstances of the accident.

Who is Covered Under My GEICO Auto Insurance Policy?

According to GEICO’s policy, they cover:

  • The policyholder (you) and family members living in the same household.
  • Someone you gave occasional permission to drive your car.

Keep in mind that your policy limits still apply. If the person driving your car causes an accident and the damage exceeds your policy limit, they might have to cover the remaining cost through their insurance policy, if they have one.

What Happens If There’s an Accident?

If the person you lent your car to gets into an accident, here’s how it generally works with GEICO:

  1. Report the Accident: Regardless of who was driving, it’s essential to report the accident to GEICO as soon as possible. They will need all relevant information about the incident, including the identity of the driver.
  2. Liability Investigation: GEICO will investigate to determine who was at fault for the accident. If the person driving your car was at fault, your auto liability coverage would typically kick in to cover the damages caused to the other party, up to your policy limit.
  3. Covering Damages: If your car got damaged in the accident, the collision coverage (if you have it in your policy) would pay for your car’s repair, minus your deductible. However, if the person driving your car has auto insurance, their policy might cover the damages, depending on the specifics of both insurance policies.

Key Considerations

While your GEICO policy may extend coverage to other drivers, there are a few crucial points to keep in mind:

  • Regular Drivers: If someone else regularly drives your car, they should be added to your policy to ensure they are adequately covered.
  • Excluded Drivers: If a driver has been specifically excluded from your policy and they get in an accident with your car, your insurance won’t cover it.
  • Uninsured Drivers: If an uninsured driver is at fault in an accident with your car, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for repairs or rely on your uninsured motorist coverage, if you have it.

Final Thoughts

It’s essential to understand your auto insurance policy and how it applies to other drivers. Always ensure that anyone who drives your car has a valid driver’s license and your permission to drive. And remember, if someone will regularly be driving your car, it is wise to add them to your insurance policy.

However, lending your car to others should be done with caution. Even though insurance may cover accidents, there may be circumstances where costs exceed coverage limits, or coverage may be declined.

Always consult with your GEICO agent or representative if you have any questions or need clarification about your policy. They can provide the most accurate information and guidance based on your specific policy and situation.



Insurance Panda

I am the owner of Insurance Panda, https://www.insurancepanda.com , an auto insurance quote comparison app and website based in New York City.