Exploring Six Different Types of Personal Coaches

3 min readJul 21, 2023


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, personal coaching has become increasingly popular as individuals seek guidance and support in various aspects of their lives. Personal coaches provide valuable expertise, motivation, and accountability to help individuals unlock their potential and achieve their goals. In this post, we will explore six different types of personal coaches and how they can assist you on your journey of personal and professional growth.

Over the years, I have worked with all of these types of coaches, with the exception of an executive coach. The experience with each has been transformative and I saw improvement in areas of my life well beyond what that particular coach specialized in.

Life Coaches

Life coaches—also called a personal coach or intuitive coach—focus on helping individuals navigate different areas of their lives, such as relationships, career, personal development, and overall well-being. They provide guidance, support, and strategies to overcome challenges, set meaningful goals, and create a balanced and fulfilling life. Life coaches work holistically to address multiple domains and help clients discover their strengths, values, and passions.

An intuitive coach taps into their intuition, which is a deep sense of knowing or understanding beyond logical reasoning. They may rely on their empathic skills to pick up on subtle cues, energy, and emotions from their clients. By doing so, they can gain insights into their clients’ needs, desires, and underlying issues that may not be readily apparent.

Career Coaches

Career coaches specialize in assisting individuals with their professional development and advancement. They help clients explore their skills, interests, and values to identify suitable career paths. Career coaches offer guidance on job search strategies, interview preparation, resume writing, and networking techniques. They also assist in enhancing leadership skills, improving work-life balance, and managing career transitions.

Health and Wellness Coaches

Health and wellness coaches focus on improving individuals’ overall well-being by addressing their physical, mental, and emotional health. They support clients in setting and achieving health-related goals, such as weight management, stress reduction, fitness, and nutrition. Health and wellness coaches provide personalized plans, accountability, and motivation to foster healthier lifestyles and habits.

These are different than a personal trainer in that they are not in the gym with you, but more involved in setting up plans you follow. Think of them as your accountability partner in getting healthier.

Executive Coaches

Executive coaches work with individuals in leadership positions, typically within organizations. They aim to enhance leadership skills, improve decision-making, and develop effective communication and management strategies. Executive coaches support clients in achieving professional goals, managing teams, navigating organizational challenges, and cultivating a positive work culture.

Financial Coaches

Financial coaches assist individuals in gaining control over their finances, setting financial goals, and improving their financial literacy. They provide guidance on budgeting, debt management, savings strategies, and investment planning. Financial coaches empower clients to develop healthy financial habits for long-term security and prosperity.

This is not a financial advisor, but someone that can help you with your anxiety around money and debt, as well as seeing money in a healthy way.

Relationship Coaches

Relationship coaches specialize in helping individuals and couples build and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships. They provide guidance on communication skills, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence. Relationship coaches help clients navigate challenges in romantic relationships, family dynamics, friendships, and professional interactions, fostering greater connection and understanding.

If you are dating—or starting to date—a relationship coach can be a valuable partner in helping you navigate any anxieties or issues that come up along the way. A good relationship coach will help you with setting boundaries, understanding what a healthy relationship looks like, and more.

Improving Your Dating Experience By Cultivating a Provider Mindset →

In Summary

Personal coaches come in various specialties, each offering unique expertise and support to individuals seeking personal and professional growth. Whether you require guidance in life, career, health, executive matters, finances, or relationships, there is a personal coach available to assist you. Working with a personal coach can provide clarity, motivation, and accountability, helping you unleash your potential and achieve your goals. Consider the areas of your life where you would benefit from guidance and seek out a coach who aligns with your specific needs. Remember, investing in yourself through coaching can be a transformative experience that leads to lasting positive change.




Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.