How Blackout Poetry Enhances Mindfulness Meditation

4 min readAug 5, 2023


Photo credit: Instagram, makeblackoutpoetry

In our fast-paced and ever-connected world, finding moments of stillness and inner peace has become a precious commodity. Mindfulness meditation, an ancient practice that encourages focused awareness of the present moment, has emerged as a powerful tool to combat stress and cultivate emotional well-being. However, traditional meditation isn’t the only path to mindfulness. Enter blackout poetry — an art form that offers a unique and creative way to enhance mindfulness meditation. In this post, we’ll explore how blackout poetry can become a powerful ally in your journey towards a calmer mind and a deeper sense of self.

What is Blackout Poetry?

Blackout poetry, also known as erasure poetry, involves taking an existing piece of text, such as a page from a book, magazine, or newspaper, and selectively “blacking out” or “erasing” words to create a new poetic composition. The remaining words form a collage of expression that can be thought-provoking, emotional, or even whimsical. This creative process encourages you to slow down and immerse yourself in the words on the page, fostering mindfulness and presence.

The Meditative Nature of Blackout Poetry

  • Focused Attention: Engaging in blackout poetry requires concentration and focused attention. As you read through the text, your mind becomes fully absorbed in the search for words that resonate with you, and that you want to retain for your poem. This hyper-focus on the task at hand mirrors the essence of mindfulness meditation, where you concentrate on your breath, sensations, or a specific point of focus.
  • Embracing the Present Moment: Mindfulness meditation encourages us to be fully present in the “now.” Similarly, blackout poetry compels us to stay in the moment as we carefully select words that evoke meaning or emotion. It becomes a journey of exploration into the text, word by word, phrase by phrase, as you create something new from something existing.
  • Letting Go of Attachments: In traditional meditation, we learn to let go of thoughts and distractions that may arise. Similarly, in blackout poetry, you learn to let go of preconceived notions about what the poem should be. The process teaches us to accept and embrace imperfection, allowing the poem to emerge organically without judgment or attachment to the outcome.
  • A Sense of Flow: Achieving a meditative state often involves finding a state of flow, where you lose track of time and immerse yourself entirely in the activity. Blackout poetry can lead to this same flow state, where you become engrossed in the act of creating and find peace in the creative process.
  • Mindful Reflection: Blackout poetry involves contemplation and reflection as you ponder the meaning of the words you’ve chosen and their arrangement. This introspection mirrors the self-reflection often encouraged in mindfulness meditation, helping you gain insights into your thoughts and emotions.

Cultivating Mindfulness through Blackout Poetry

Here are some tips to integrate mindfulness into your blackout poetry practice:

  • Create a Sacred Space: Designate a quiet, comfortable space for your blackout poetry sessions. Minimize distractions and create an environment conducive to deep concentration.
  • Set an Intention: Before beginning, set an intention for your practice. Whether it’s to find calmness, gain insight, or simply enjoy the creative process, clarifying your purpose can enrich your experience.
  • Breathe and Center: Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Allow any lingering thoughts to dissipate, and bring your full awareness to the page before you.
  • Read Mindfully: Read the text carefully, savoring each word. Allow yourself to be drawn to the words that resonate with you emotionally or conceptually.
  • Create with Intuition: Trust your instincts as you select words. Let go of the need for perfection and let the poem unfold naturally, guided by your intuition.
  • Observe without Judgment: Be gentle with yourself during the creative process. There are no right or wrong choices in blackout poetry. Each composition is a unique expression of your feelings and thoughts.
  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the experience after you’ve finished your poem. Be grateful for the insights, emotions, or moments of calmness that may have arisen during the process.

In Summary

Blackout poetry offers a beautiful fusion of creativity and mindfulness meditation. As you lose yourself in the words and phrases, you discover the power of the present moment and the richness of your inner world. Whether you’re an experienced meditator seeking a new avenue for mindfulness or a creative soul in search of a grounding practice, blackout poetry can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and serenity. Embrace the process, trust your instincts, and allow the magic of blackout poetry to guide you on your path to mindfulness and creative expression. Happy creating and meditating!




Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.