Start Your Day with Purpose by Setting Morning Intentions

5 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I used to find myself rushing through my mornings, feeling disoriented and overwhelmed even before the day truly began. It was tiring. Until I found the importance of starting each day with clarity and purpose. Setting a morning intention has been a transformative practice that infuses my day with positivity, focus, and a sense of direction. In this post, we’ll explore the power of morning intentions and provide you with a simple guide on how I embrace this practice to create a more mindful and fulfilling day.

Examples of morning intentions below. ↓

What is a Morning Intention?

A morning intention is a conscious and positive statement or affirmation that you set for yourself at the beginning of the day. It serves as a guiding principle that influences your thoughts, actions, and reactions throughout the day. By setting an intention, you bring awareness to what you want to cultivate and experience in the hours ahead, aligning your mind and heart with your deepest desires and values.

This can take less than a minute, and be done before you even get out of bed.

The Benefits of Morning Intentions

  • Clarity and focus: Starting the day with an intention helps you gain clarity about your priorities. It sets a clear direction for your actions, ensuring that you make choices that align with your goals and values.
  • Positive mindset: A morning intention is like planting a seed of positivity in your mind. It can uplift your mood, boost your confidence, and foster a more optimistic outlook, even in the face of challenges.
  • Stress reduction: When you have a clear intention, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the demands of the day. Instead, you approach tasks with a sense of purpose and a calmer demeanor.
  • Mindfulness and presence: Setting an intention encourages you to be present in the moment. It brings your attention to the here and now, helping you stay mindful and engaged throughout the day.
  • Empowerment: By setting intentions, you take charge of your day and become an active participant in creating the experiences you desire. It’s a way of empowering yourself to shape your reality.

How to Setting Morning Intentions

  1. Wake up mindfully: As soon as you wake up, resist the temptation to grab your phone or dive into your to-do list. Take a few moments to lie still, breathe deeply, and welcome the new day with gratitude.
  2. Reflect on your desires: Before getting out of bed, reflect on how you want to feel and what you want to achieve during the day. Consider your long-term goals and the values you want to embody.
  3. Choose your intention: Formulate a clear and concise intention based on your reflections. It could be a single word (e.g., “peace,” “focus,” “joy”) or a short phrase that resonates with you (e.g., “I am confident and capable,” “I embrace challenges with grace”).
    More examples below. ↓
  4. Repeat your intention: Say your intention aloud or silently to yourself several times. Allow the words to sink in and become imprinted in your mind.
  5. Visualize your day: Take a moment to visualize yourself living out your intention. Imagine how you will approach different situations and how your intention will guide your actions.
  6. Carry your intention: As you go about your morning routine, carry your intention with you. (Write it down on a piece of paper to carry with you, if you need!) Keep it at the forefront of your mind as you make choices and interact with others.
  7. Reflect and reset: At the end of the day, take a few moments to reflect on how your morning intention influenced your day. Celebrate moments when you embodied your intention and be gentle with yourself if you veered off course. Each day is a new opportunity to set a fresh intention.

Examples of Morning Intentions

  • “I am grateful for the abundance in my life and embrace each moment with gratitude.”
    This intention cultivates a sense of gratitude, helping you appreciate the blessings and opportunities that come your way throughout the day.
  • “I radiate positivity and kindness, spreading joy to everyone I meet.”
    This intention focuses on fostering a positive and compassionate attitude, encouraging you to bring joy and kindness to your interactions with others.
  • “I approach challenges with resilience and confidence, knowing that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.”
    This intention empowers you to face challenges with a resilient mindset, reinforcing your belief in your abilities to navigate difficulties.
  • “I prioritize self-care and well-being, nourishing my mind, body, and soul with love and attention.”
    This intention emphasizes the importance of self-care, reminding you to make time for activities that nurture your overall well-being.
  • “I embrace creativity and innovation, bringing fresh ideas and enthusiasm to my work and passions.”
    This intention sparks creativity and enthusiasm, inspiring you to approach your projects and endeavors with a fresh and innovative mindset.

Setting Dream Intentions

I have also been doing this as I fall asleep to set the intentions of my dreams. Admittedly, I don’t know that it always works, but when it does it’s pretty amazing.

As you are falling asleep, do the above, but I like to ask a question to set the intention. “Show me abundance in my life.” Or, “Show me how I can bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to my work and passions.” You see what I did there? I took the the above examples and set the intention of the dream to ‘show me’. Try it and let me know how it works for you!

In Summary

Setting a morning intention has been a simple yet powerful practice that profoundly impacts my day and those around me. By consciously choosing how I want to show up in the world, I become the architect of my experiences. Embrace this easy ritual to start your day with purpose, mindfulness, and positivity. As you make morning intentions a part of your daily routine, you’ll discover a greater sense of empowerment, joy, and fulfillment in each precious day that unfolds before you. So, tomorrow morning, take a deep breath, set your intention, and let the magic of purposeful living unfold.




Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.