IntentX Partners With Ethena — $USDe Collateral, Trading, & Incentives

2 min readApr 2, 2024

IntentX is thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Ethena, a censorship-resistant, scalable synthetic dollar protocol. Ethena’s hallmark, the $USDe stablecoin, has swiftly grown in the DeFi ecosystem, surpassing $1.4bn in TVL, exemplifying its demand and community trust.

We now partner with Ethena to bring $USDe to IntentX, uniquely on Mantle:

  • $USDe collateral on Mantle
  • 20x Ethena ‘Sats’ incentives up to 10M in deposits on IntentX
  • 260+ USDe perpetual pairs to trade
  • Yield-generating collateral to offset funding rates

This collaboration provides a great opportunity for traders on the IntentX platform. By integrating $USDe as native collateral on IntentX, we’re enhancing our platform’s value proposition, and improving the trading experience by intertwining yield generation with trading efficiency.

Get ready to deposit your $USDe on IntentX at Mantle on launch to take part in the boosted Ethena Sats Campaign!

Boosted Ethena Sats:

To celebrate this partnership and reward early adopters, we have partnered with Ethena to provide bonus “Ethena Sats” to the first 10m deposited funds on IntentX’s Mantle deployment.

Depositors on IntentX Mantle will begin to accrue Ethena Sats at a rate of 20 / USDe / day once we are live in April.

Read more about Ethena Sats Campaign here.

Trading in $USDe on IntentX:

$USDe will be serving as our primary collateral type on Mantle, and will also be used denominate 260+ perpetual trading pairs on IntentX.

At the core of this partnership is our initiative to utilize $USDe, Ethena’s internet bond stablecoin, as native collateral.

$USDe offers an unprecedented 30% yield on stablecoin deposits. This yield will be used at IntentX to offset funding rates,providing IntentX users the most cost-effective trading environment on-chain and off-chain.

Technical details on the exact implementation of this will be shared in the near future.

Looking Ahead:

With innovating protocols such as Ethena, the DeFi ecosystem is quickly evolving to achieve greater efficiency, yields, and composability. The integration of $USDe on IntentX is an opportunity to raise the bar in providing the most performant trading experience on-chain.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates planned after our launch on Mantle Network.

So get your $USDe ready on Mantle, and be the first to deposit once IntentX is officially live!

We hope you’re all as excited as we are.

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IntentX is a next-generation, intent-based, decentralized derivatives exchange offering perpetual futures trading.