How To Write Chinese “Shi” Poems in English Language and Types of Shi Poems .


By Alemseged Sisay

Poet , Writer, Online Poetic Journalist by his own right and World Wide Recognized Poetry Researcher Alemseged Sisay.

There are more Shi forms but i chose to this contest two Shi forms :
1) Gushi poetry, and
2) Jintishi Or Quli Jintishi Quatrain Poetry

Rules of Quli Jintishi quatrain
— At least three Internal Rhymes on the 1st line at the middle at the sixth syllable, and at the end ( as you see xiang ,liang and shang on line 1)
— rhyme aaaa
— syllable 13/12/14/13
-Uses more allitiration in each line
— — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Rules of Gushi poem
As you see Gushi poem is an 8 line poem with syllable count from 8 to 12; the rhyme scheme of Gushi poem is abccDdDd. Most of its lines have 9 syllables but some are 8 and some are 10 and some are 11 and 12.
-Refrain words at the beggning of the first line ‘s strophe . Separate this strophe by comma. See this example how many refrain it has in the 1st line (
Háng háng zhòng háng háng,) before the coma 4 times the word hang repeated.
then use allitiration on each line as much as you can.
The 5th line rhyme does repeat at the 7th line

Gushi Poem has the following characters, so you can use it as a rule of Gushi poem.

Háng háng zhòng háng háng, yǔ jūn shēng biélí………………………… …a
Xiāngqù wàn yú lǐ, gè zài tiān yī yá…………………………… ………………….b
Dàolù zǔ qiě zhǎng, huìmiàn ān kězhī?(Zhī yīzuò: Qī)…………………….c
hú mǎ yī běi fēng, yuè niǎocháo nán zhī………………………….. …………..c
Xiāngqù rì yǐ yuǎn, yī dài rì yǐ huǎn…………………………. ……………………d
Fúyún bì bái rì, yóuzǐ bùgù fǎn………………………….. ……………………….D
Sī jūn lìng rén lǎo, suìyuè hū yǐ wǎn………………………….. ……………….d
Qì juān wù fù dào, nǔlì jiā cān fàn………………………….. ………………….D

道路阻且长,会面安可知?(知 一作:期)

=================================== ======
Qilu Jintishi quatrain Poem

The Poor Girl by Qin Taoyu (late Tang)

Péng mén wèi shí qǐluó xiāng nǐ tuō liáng méi yì zì shāng
shuí ài fēngliú gāo gédiào gòng lián shí shì jiǎn shūzhuāng
gǎn jiāng shízhǐ kuā zhēn qiǎo bù bǎ shuāng méi dòu huà zhǎng
kǔ hèn nián nián yā jīn xiàn wèi tārén zuò jià yīshang

蓬 門 未 識 綺 羅 香 擬 託 良 媒 益 自 傷
誰 愛 風 流 高 格 調 共 憐 時 世 儉 梳 妝
敢 將 十 指 誇 鍼 巧 不 把 雙 眉 鬥 畫 長
苦 恨 年 年 壓 金 線 為 他 人 作 嫁 衣 裳

Rules of Quli Jintishi
-at least three internal Rhymes on the 1st line at the middle at the sixth syllable, and at the end ( as you see xiang and shang on line 1)
— rhyme aaaa
— syllable 13/12/14/13
-Uses more alliteration in each line


Other Shi Poems Written in Dokh’s Contest

1- Bar episode AND Got my shoe

By Poet Laurette PK ROY

Bar episode ( Poetic form:Quli Jintishi quatrain)

Two were good friends, that's true, both decided to drink to
blew flames in one go, learn brew process, asked for bleu;
threw their belongings through the bar's window, tried to look through
Shew from bar, shouted screw you, while coming lost shoe too.

Got my shoe (Poetic form: Gushi)

Great, great, shouted great, great, got my shoe
Thank God, I don't have to walk bare foot today;
Yes, returned home with no shoe, that made me blue;
it's not a story, believe, this is true;
Yes, while returning I couldn't walk straight;
promised many times couldn't stop boozing, till date;
Yes, while returning I couldn't walk straight;
Maybe drinking habit of mine, my colleagues hate.

2- Shy Wife (Qilu Jintishi quatrain Poem)

by Bob Uppigton

It drives me to despair that the care for her dark hair
Depends on the dreary old dress she decides to wear
For she is dowdy in dull grey, with her husband not there.
Won’t don delightful or dazzling. She just would not dare.

3- Me and My Cane (Quli Jintishi Quatrain)

by Carl Wayne Jent

My cane was kind of plain so I decided to stain
Maybe I might hold tight to make sure to maintain
Racing or running, rather not use cane, and not in rain
Plus the probable problem pertaining to my pain

4- She is pain [Qilu Jintishi quatrain Poem]

By Poet Alemseged Sisay ( Aleme GAmmo)

Clandestine not fine, her sin non stopping aching cline
burning me piercing my mind like a sour much wine
done in secret her betrayal deeds as she was not mine
how is i to be free from her high flirting famine

5- Hang not the truth (Gushi Poem)
By Aleme Gamoo

hang hang boy hang hang, you sing for war
why you seem feeble for you know your enemy
run do sport go to kick hard and hard more
i hear your songs are not love but to your heart’s sore
so your foes have heard since your mouth has whispered
what you expect their rhythm retort shan’t be wavered
as your wish of victory they have songs whispered
stronger than you to defeat you they have bothered


Posted by International Poetry Newsletter

Addis Ababa


MArch 07,2024



International Poetry Newsletter ( IPNL)

Founder: International Poet and Writer Honorable Dr. Aleme Kao Gammo ( Alemseged Sisay Woldemariam)