Modern Elgo Style poems and how to Write Elgo Poems.


Old Car [Elgo]

Cute it was before
Fashionable, made astute
Elated, comfortable
That Volkswagen, the rusted

Elgo Poem is a four lines poems that has a 5/7/7/7 syllable per line and its rhyme scheme is like a down slope on a XY coordinate. The beginning of the first line word rhyme with the next line end word’ the second line beginning word with the third line end word , and the third line beginning word with the fourth line’s ending word . It was invented by the brilliant poet Aleme Kao Gammo.

Like Unto 1st Samuel:10

by Garrison Clifford Gibson, Alaska

Politicians gather rust
works sent to morticians
passes just in time to lurk
kurst public seek their asses.

mad dad (elgo poem)

By Melissa Yeagle

Dad is avoiding me
I think he is very mad
He is not telling me why
that is very hard for me
so I sit and pet the cat

Inside A Photographer’s Studio [Elgo]

By Poet Andrew Troy Kell, USA

Martin walked in and
saw Cecily posing in
bikini instead of raw
for the artist named Nikki.

In this elgo poem, one half of a couple goes into a certain establishment to see what the other half is doing there.

Poetry (Elgo)

By Dolly Bhaskaran,UK

love short poetry
this is a kind of self love
gives me a feeling of bliss
like this, it gives my soul kiss

[ Mustang, sixty-six, ]

By Russell H. Ritchey,Texas, United States

Mustang, sixty-six,
cool, groovy, a fast wild-thang.
budget cars now make no drool,
Poor-man sports car?… can’t find it.

Syllable and rhyme scheme:
5 A — — — -
7 B — — — — — A
7 C — — — — — B
7 — — — — — — C

© Oct 29, Russell H. Ritchey

Rusting Myth.

by hess93,Texas

Rust blooms on its skin,
Whispers of journeys, now grown burst.
With each creak, it a tale mutters.
A vintage heart, in a rusting myth.

Guytrash (Poetic form: Elgo)

By PK ROY,India

Even if never
heard it before, believe in
concept behind ‘guytrash’ word;
It’s a specter, just accept.

All in a moment

by Grant G

Streams fresh water flows
Rushing fast like wonders dream
Children play, wrestling — pushing,
Before admiring mountain

Time Will Unravel (Elgo)

by Melissa Davilio, Connecticut

Time will unravel
when warning bells start to chime,
ringing in a loud fashion,
except there’s no help to bring.


Published by International Poetry Newsletter, Addis Ababa


November 11,2023




International Poetry Newsletter ( IPNL)

Founder: International Poet and Writer Honorable Dr. Aleme Kao Gammo ( Alemseged Sisay Woldemariam)