How to Install macOS on VirtualBox: A Comprehensive Guide

6 min readMay 6, 2024


VirtualBox is a powerful tool that allows users to run multiple operating systems on a single machine. One of the most popular uses of VirtualBox is to run macOS on non-Apple hardware. This guide will walk you through the process of installing macOS on VirtualBox, from downloading the necessary files to configuring your virtual machine.

Why Install macOS on VirtualBox?

i) Access to Mac-only Software:

Installing macOS on VirtualBox allows you to access Mac-only software and applications that may not be available on other operating systems. This is particularly useful for developers and designers who need to test their software on macOS.

ii) Testing and Development:

Virtualizing macOS on VirtualBox provides a safe and isolated environment for testing and development purposes. You can experiment with different configurations, software versions, and settings without affecting your primary operating system.

iii) Cross-Platform Compatibility:

For users who work across different operating systems, having install macOS on VirtualBox provides a seamless transition between platforms. You can easily switch between macOS and your primary operating system, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.

iv) Learning and Education:

Installing macOS on VirtualBox can be a valuable learning experience for those who are new to the Mac ecosystem. It allows users to familiarize themselves with macOS and its features without the need for dedicated hardware.

v) Cost-Effective Solution:

For individuals or organizations that require access to macOS but do not want to invest in a Mac computer, installing macOS on VirtualBox is a cost-effective solution. It eliminates the need to purchase expensive hardware while still providing access to macOS.

vi) Backup and Recovery:

Using VirtualBox to virtualize macOS, you can take snapshots of your virtual system for backup and recovery needs. You may quickly return your macOS installation to a previous state if something goes wrong.

vii) Flexibility and Convenience:

Running macOS on VirtualBox allows you to run the operating system on any suitable hardware, eliminating the need for a separate Mac computer. This offers flexibility and convenience. Those who need to use macOS across many devices or while on the fly may find this extremely helpful.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

i) A computer with VirtualBox installed
ii) A macOS ISO file
iii) Adequate disk space and RAM

Downloading the macOS ISO

Downloading the macOS ISO file is an essential step in installing macOS on VirtualBox. Here’s how you can obtain the macOS ISO file:

i) Verify Your System Compatibility:

Before downloading the macOS ISO, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for running macOS on VirtualBox.

ii) Find a Reliable Source:

It’s crucial to download the macOS ISO file from a reliable and trustworthy source. Avoid downloading from third-party websites or sources that are not verified, as they may contain malicious software or modified versions of the macOS ISO.

iii) Access the Apple Developer Website:

One of the official sources for downloading the macOS ISO file is the Apple Developer website. However, access to the macOS ISO file on the Apple Developer website may require a developer account.

iv) Download macOS Installer:

If you have a developer account, log in to the Apple Developer website and navigate to the “Downloads” section. Look for the macOS installer that corresponds to the version of macOS you want to install (e.g., macOS Sonoma).

v) Use a Virtual Machine Image:

Alternatively, you can use pre-built virtual machine images (VMware, VirtualBox, etc.) that include virtual mac OS. These images are often available from third-party websites and can be used to set up a virtual machine with macOS already installed.

vi) Verify the ISO Integrity:

After downloading the macOS ISO file, verify its integrity by checking its checksum. This ensures that the file has not been tampered with or corrupted during the download process.

vii) Store the ISO Safely:

Once you have downloaded the macOS ISO file, store it in a safe location on your computer. You will need this file later when setting up the virtual machine in VirtualBox.

viii) Ensure Legal Compliance:

It’s essential to ensure that you have the legal right to download and use the macOS ISO file. Installing macOS on non-Apple hardware may violate Apple’s End User License Agreement (EULA), so make sure to check the terms and conditions before proceeding.

ix) Proceed with Installation:

After downloading and verifying the macOS ISO file, you can now install macOS on VirtualBox by following the instructions provided in the installation guide.

One essential step in configuring macOS on VirtualBox is downloading the macOS ISO file. You may safely install macOS on virtual box and take advantage of its features on your virtual machine by following the above instructions and making sure you obtain from a reputable source.
Taking Advantage of macOS on VirtualBox: Examining the Options
You can now explore the world of macOS on non-Apple hardware after installing macOS on VirtualBox successfully.

Enjoying macOS on VirtualBox: Exploring the Possibilities

After successfully installing macOS on VirtualBox, you’re now ready to explore the world of macOS on your non-Apple hardware. Here are some key aspects of enjoying macOS on VirtualBox:

i) Familiar Interface:

One of the first things you’ll notice when using macOS on VirtualBox is its familiar interface. From the dock to the menu bar, macOS provides a seamless and intuitive user experience.

ii) App Compatibility:

With macOS on VirtualBox, you can run a wide range of macOS applications, including productivity tools, multimedia software, and development environments. This allows you to take advantage of the rich ecosystem of macOS apps.

iii) Testing and Development:

For developers, running macOS on VirtualBox is invaluable for testing software and developing macOS applications. VirtualBox provides a safe and isolated environment for testing, ensuring that your software works as expected on macOS.

iv) Seamless Integration:

VirtualBox offers seamless integration between macOS and your host operating system. You can easily share files between the two systems, making it easy to transfer data and work across platforms.

v) Performance:

While running macOS on VirtualBox, you may experience slightly reduced performance compared to running it on native hardware. However, with adequate resources allocated to your virtual machine, you can enjoy a smooth and responsive experience.

vi) Flexibility:

One of the key advantages of using VirtualBox is its flexibility. You can easily create and manage multiple virtual machines, allowing you to test different versions of macOS or configure unique environments for specific tasks.

vii) Backup and Snapshots:

VirtualBox allows you to take snapshots of your virtual machine, allowing you to quickly revert to a previous state if something goes wrong. This feature is especially useful when testing new software or making configuration changes.

viii) Security Running:

Because the virtual machine is isolated from your host operating system, MacOS on VirtualBox offers an extra degree of protection. By doing this, you can lessen the risk of malware and other security breaches on your host system.

Anyone who wants to experience macOS on hardware other than Apple can explore a whole new universe of possibilities by using VirtualBox to enjoy macOS. VirtualBox offers a practical and adaptable way to explore the macOS ecosystem, regardless of whether you’re a developer, tester, or just interested in learning more about the operating system.

MacOs Sonoma


Customers of intoGeeks can experience the macOS operating system on non-Apple hardware, such as PCs or laptops, by installing it on VirtualBox. For customers who wish to experience the macOS ecosystem without having to buy Apple hardware, this opens up a world of possibilities.

Users can install macOS on VirtualBox and take use of its features, such as a recognizable interface, easy access to a large selection of macOS apps, and a smooth connection with their host operating system, by following Into Geeks’ meticulously constructed approach.




Want to run macOS Sonoma on your Windows PC? Intogeeks helps you to ensure smooth operation on VirtualBox, VMware, and other virtual machines.