Angel Articles: Appreciate Yourself

Intuitive Development
2 min readDec 19, 2016


From the Angels:

“Dear Ones,

It’s time to recognize a job well done. Stop and take a look at what you’ve achieved. It’s important to take notice of your accomplishments. It gives power to your next goal.

Take a moment to reflect upon how far you’ve come. Look back and appreciate all of your efforts. Now put up your feet and smile.

Give yourself permission to take a break. Let go of the list of to do’s. Trust that it will all get done. It’s okay if the list grows longer. With your renewed sense of faith and energy, it all gets done with ease.

Take a load off. Ask us to help with your to-do lists. Embrace what is yours to have — peace, joy and unlimited amounts of fun.

We love to see you smile.

We love you so very much.

The Angels

Note from Karin:

I’ve been taking the Angels’ advice by taking a break and noticing my accomplishments. The Angels are right, of course, I feel more energized and ready to tackle what I’m working on after a break and appreciating my efforts. Especially in light of my recent moving adventure. It was so tempting to just ‘get it done’. Instead, I listened to my intuition and aching feet. With the Angels’ help, it all came together and I didn’t have to wear myself out.

Pay attention to those subtle signs your heart and body are giving you. Everyone benefits from your joyful energy when you take care of you.

With Love & Angel Blessings,


Remember… you can always book a private session with Karin. Learn more here.

Karin O’Donnell, Certified Angel Practitioner

Karin’s spirited personality shines brightly through her passion to help clients heal. As an attentively guided listener, she’ll encourage you to uncover what is holding you back and quickly catapult you forward. Karin has spent 15 years studying and honing her intuitive abilities. As a Certified Intuitive Consultant, Karin identifies the blocks that keep us from experiencing life fully and gives us the tools to make it happen through Private Consultations and Angel Card readings. Karin also specializes in speaking with deceased loved ones who have passed over. Her kind approach and welcoming manner bring warmth to your heart in every session.

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Intuitive Development

Celebrated 20 years in 2016! We believe every person is born with intuition and that they can learn to use it to master their own life. Founder: Lynn M. Bunch