The Power of SMART Goals

Invest In Yourself
3 min readJun 17, 2023
The image takes the word smart and breaks each letter down into S — specific, M — measurable, A — achievable, R — relevant, T — time-bound.

Hey there, it’s David! Today, let’s delve deeper into the world of goal setting, a fundamental tool in personal development that’s often misunderstood and underutilized.

Goal setting is much more than a to-do list or a New Year’s resolution. It’s a powerful process that guides your focus, promotes self-mastery, and drives your actions towards the future you envision. Without goals, it’s easy to drift aimlessly, letting life happen to us instead of making it happen for us.

One method that’s been particularly effective for many, including me, is the SMART method. So, let’s take a closer look at how each component of this method can amplify your personal development journey:

  1. Specific: Defining a specific goal sharpens your focus. It’s like typing a precise destination into your GPS. Instead of saying “I want to read more,” try something like “I want to read one book per month.” This specificity guides your action plan.
  2. Measurable: Measurable goals allow you to track your progress. It gives you tangible evidence of your efforts and motivates you to keep pushing forward. Going back to our reading example, you can easily track if you’re meeting your goal of one book per month.
  3. Achievable: It’s crucial to aim for a goal that’s doable. The goal should stretch you, but not so far that it’s out of reach. Remember, the purpose of goals is to inspire progress, not to set you up for failure.
  4. Relevant: The goals you set should align with your overall vision for your life. If fitness is your primary focus right now, setting a goal related to improving your French might not be relevant. However, if you’re planning a trip to France, then it becomes relevant!
  5. Time-bound: Deadlines create a sense of urgency and prompt action. Without a timeframe, a goal is just a wish that’s easy to put off.

Let’s revisit our earlier “get fit” goal, but this time let’s add some layers to it. An expanded SMART goal could be “To increase my strength and improve overall health, I will attend weight lifting classes twice a week, and cardio classes once a week, at my local gym for the next three months. I’ll track my progress by recording the weights I lift and noting improvements in my endurance during cardio classes.”

See how that works? It’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to personal health, and time-bound.

Keep in mind that setting goals isn’t a one-and-done exercise. As you grow and evolve, so too should your goals. Regularly review and adjust them as needed.

The beauty of the SMART method is its flexibility. It can be used for short-term goals (“I will finish this report by Friday”) and long-term goals (“I will earn my master’s degree in three years”).

I hope this deep dive into SMART goals has given you some food for thought. Remember, the journey of personal development is unique for everyone. So, be patient, be kind to yourself, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

Keep setting those goals, keep achieving, and remember: you’ve got this!



Invest In Yourself

Hi there! My name is David and I am passionate about helping others improve their lives through personal development whether it be health, wealth or self!