iPhone 11 — Buy Now or Delay Later.

4 min readSep 26, 2019

Why waiting a few years to buy Apple’s phone is the way to Wealth.

Who doesn’t want to own the latest Apple iPhone in this room?.
Raise your hand 👆?

iPhone 11, deal or no deal?

Well, we want. And definitely, you want too. #MeToo

Should we begin to mention the many reasons to own one?

  • Latest iPhone in town. Check!
  • Best Chip available — U1. Check!
  • Best camera ever with the new 12MP lens. Check!
  • New IOS 13, best IOS ever. Check!
  • Slicker apps for the iPhone. Check!
  • The Best in User Experience. Check!
  • And then some… Check! Check!! Check!!!

See, we can’t deny the fact that as young people, it would be soo cool 😉, really cool to own the latest iPhone 11 — does the XI moniker fit better? #JustSaying?

Really, who doesn’t appreciate the aesthetics that go behind owning an iPhone? It’s phenomenal. #scopatu

But what’s the cost again?
799$ — in words, seven hundred and ninety-nine dollars #pere — that comes to about 290,000 NGN.
Whewwwww… Holluuuup!!!

Now that’s the issue — ish.
Why should I shell out 290,000 for an iPhone 11 today?

A couple of questions?

  • Does the phone come with 1,000 Gb of data — MTN or Etisalat kinda data, 30 days unlimited credit to all networks and insurance against theft, damage or crack?
  • Would the iPhone appreciate by 20% like Apple’s stock in a year?
  • Lastly, is there any significant difference between an iPhone 8 — debuting about 3 years ago — and this iPhone 11, excepting of course the 12MP lens?

As much as these questions look ridiculous, they are to make you think about the purchase of an iPhone. Function before fashion!

The 10x Formular

One formula that we would recommend in purchasing anything that would be a liability — that is, it depreciates immediately after purchase — is the 10x formula.

When you invest in assets for an extended period, it brings you to luxury.

What’s the 10x formula?

The 10x formula states that you only buy a liability — in this case, an iPhone — when you have 10x — ten times more — of the money required to purchase it.

So for the iPhone, according to the 10x formula. Unless I have 2.9 million NGN (8,000 USD), I would not buy the 11 — iPhone!

This simple formula comes in handy to help determine your size per time. What does this mean to you, you might ask. Simple. If all you have is the 290,000 NGN, just #kukuma look for a 29,000 NGN phone — a la Computer Village — and rest content knowing that you would one day own an iPhone. The latest one at that time!
Or as one of our Ex-Commander -in-Cheif once put it…

Dont cut your cloth according to your size, but according to your kind of material… #Gbam

The rest of the 259,000–29,000 less 290,000 is 259k — should be used in investing for the future, you can start here now!
Longlasting Wealth comes not from buying liabilities, but investing in assets.


Don’t forget our fool-proof formula for wealth — Save — Invest — Compound — Repeat.

SICers, as Ark Builders, we are asset first, luxury later. That is,

  • We invest in assets.
  • They earn returns.
  • We reinvest the returns.
  • They earn more returns.
  • And when returns are 10x more than original capital.
  • We buy the latest iPhone XX, in 2028.
  • And we repeat the process!

Those who would be wealthy, invest in assets first. And continue to earn returns on that asset, long-term.
When you invest in assets for an extended period, it brings you to luxury.
When you spend on liabilities for an extended period, it brings you to penury.
Luxury or Penury, it’s a choice boss!

That’s the SIC Way to Wealth.

Long Lasting Wealth comes not from buying liabilities, but investing in assets.

So while we would love the gift of the iPhone XI, we would rather delay gratification today, build our assets, reinvest our return. Do it again for the long term. And then one day, own a piece of Apple — worth 1.01 trillion USD as of September 11, 2019!

And if anyone would ask why you are not spending 290k on the iPhone XI today, feel free to tell them, #LetItbeSoforNow. You are observing the SIC-way.

For us, at Invest Naira we would rather own a piece of apple than a piece of the iPhone…whatever the current model!
But we accept iPhone 11 gifts 😉 — mailto invest@investnaira.com

Would you buy the latest iPhone?
Let’s talk about it below?




InvestNaira is helping anyone anywhere build Multi-Generational Wealth by Saving Investing and Compounding. InvestNaira.com