Kubernetes commands that every developer must know ☸

Inzamam Ahmad
2 min readApr 25, 2023



Kubernetes is the most hyped and well-paid skill of 2023. As a developer, you must have an idea about Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a framework for managing distributed systems, allowing developers to focus on writing and shipping code, rather than managing infrastructure. Kubernetes simplifies the process of deploying and scaling applications, allowing developers to easily manage and monitor their applications across multiple environments. By using Kubernetes, developers can deploy applications faster, improve scalability, increase reliability, and reduce downtime. In short, Kubernetes is a critical tool for modern software development and deployment, helping developers to build and deploy applications faster and more efficiently.

The blog post will cover basic commands such as kubectl create, get, describe, delete, and apply. It will also cover advanced commands including kubectl logs, exec, port-forward, rollout, and scale. The post will explain how these commands can be used for troubleshooting Kubernetes issues, such as using kubectl describe to get detailed information about resources and using kubectl logs to view container logs.

Basic Kubernetes Commands

kubectl create

creating Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, and deployments

kubectl get

Displaying information about Kubernetes resources

kubectl describe

Providing detailed information about Kubernetes resources

kubectl delete

Deleting Kubernetes resources

kubectl apply

Applying changes to Kubernetes resources

Advanced Kubernetes Commands

kubectl logs

Viewing logs from a pod or container

kubectl exec

Executing commands within a container

kubectl port-forward

Forwarding a local port to a port on a pod

kubectl rollout

Managing rollouts of deployments

kubectl scale

Scaling up or down the number of replicas in a deployment

Troubleshooting Kubernetes

kubectl describe

Providing detailed information about Kubernetes resources, which can be used to troubleshoot issues

kubectl logs

Viewing logs from a pod or container to help identify issues

kubectl exec

Executing commands within a container to troubleshoot issues

kubectl get events

Displaying events related to Kubernetes resources

In conclusion, learning Kubernetes commands is just the first step in mastering this powerful platform. As Kubernetes continues to evolve, there will be new features and functionality to explore. I encourage you to continue learning and experimenting with Kubernetes, as it can be a valuable tool for building and deploying applications. With the right skills and knowledge, you can leverage the full power of Kubernetes to create and manage complex, distributed systems, and take your development skills to the next level.



Inzamam Ahmad

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