Hashed and IoT Chain form a Strategic Partnership for the Korean Market

IoT Chain
IoT Chain
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2018

South Korea’s largest crypto fund has formed a strategic partnership with IoT Chain to promote the project to blockchain communities in regions such as Korea and the United States. They will work together to explore IoT Chain’s capabilities and implementations for the Internet of Things in various industries and further promote blockchain technology in commercial and residential applications.

Hashed: Accelerating the global enablement of the blockchain through community building and impact investing.

Hashed, also known as Blockchain Partners Korea, is a famous investment and acceleration platform for blockchain projects in Korea. Founded by a team of entrepreneurs and engineers passionate about distributed ledger technology, Hashed works to promote the application of the blockchain on a global scale by building communities and making smart investments in promising projects. They they have branches in both Seoul and San Francisco.

Since its establishment, Hashed has been working to introduce innovative projects with strong potential to the Korean market. They provide opportunities for investors and developers to connect and communicate face to face. Hashed also holds education and technology (developer) parties and meetings to boost awareness and understanding of blockchain technology and disruptive projects in the industry.

Continued Capital Injection to Further Promote the ITC Project

The Hashed investment in ITC will undoubtedly expand the influence and popularity of the project in countries such as South Korea and the United States. Together with the investments from LinkVC and Xingchen Capital, the partnership with Hashed will work to provide additional momentum for the ITC community going forward, as well as development and implementation of the technology.

We are humbled by this new partnership and look forward to the continued development of our secure, lightweight OS for the Internet of Things!

→You can learn about our other partnerships here


  • Strategic alliance with Acute Angle Cloud
  • * Strategic cooperation partnership with Adzar Energy
  • * ITC Received Millions of Investment from Link VC
  • * ITC and GVE reached a strategic cooperation to jointly promote the development of blockchain


