One Week With IoT Chain

IoT Chain
IoT Chain
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2018

An amazing week with IoT Chain is coming soon!!

2018/1/15 0:00 AM EST — 2018/1/21 0:00 AM EST

We will be giving out 3300 ITC for the promotion,1 ITC roughly 6 USD. Each day 20 lucky individuals will get 10 ITC per person. With each challenge, we will be giving 200 ITC for first place, 100 ITC for second place, and 50 ITC for third place. This will be a great opportunity to have a deeper understanding of ITC and earn some free tokens in the process. Simply join our activities on Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and other media channels with the themes listed below:

1st day-WHY INVEST IN ITC: Follow ITC OFFICAL Reddit then reply the INVEST ITC post with your opinion and experience

2nd day-POSITIVE NEWS OF ITC: Share positive and exciting news about ITC on twitter in any format (pictures/videos/reddit links) and share it @IoT_Chain & 3 friends with #ITC news# (please do not talk about ITC price.)

3rd day-EMOTICON CONTEST: Create emojis for ITC and share it @IoT_Chain & 3 friends with #ITCemoji#

4th day-TELEGRAM DAILY: Join ITC telegram and screenshot the most interesting post, discussion, ideas, in the group and share it @IoT_Chain & 3 friends with #ITC telegram#

5th day-ITC APPLICATIONS SCENE: Follow ITC OFFICAL Reddit and share your vision and ideas under the post Application Expectation regarding this topic

6th day-ITC PURCHASE STORY: Share your story of purchasing ITC on twitter with any format (pictures/videos/reddit links) then releasing and @IoT_Chain and 3 friends with #buy ITC#

7th day-Announcing all winners from the past six days

ITC bonus tokens will be released five days after the completion of our challenge. The only way to qualify for the challenge is to participate and submit your tweet/reddit post to @iotchainbot on telegram with the specific theme of that day. The deadline for submission will be 0:00AM Eastern everyday.

About ITC

ITC, a high-security lite IoT OS, which is designed to solve the sever safety problems of present IoT. ITC applies a combination of asymmetric encryption of cryptography, semi-homomorphic-encryption ciphertext computing technology and distributed architecture without data center.

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