I’m broke. I need some path adjustment.

Balázs Suhajda
2 min readDec 20, 2016


I’m really struggling to stay afloat financially, and as a father and husband, that means the family suffers. This is the first Christmas we are not travelling back to our motherland to spend the holidays with our families. Now, I really can’t complain, as my wife is as supportive as it gets, but I know she’s also burning into her own savings. Our shared accounts are already drained.

These last couple of months I’ve been working on projects that were exciting, focussed on making some kind of impact, pushed the limits of my capabilities, allowed me to experiment. Sadly, they barely covered the material costs.

I display clear signs of a lack of focus. I jump on any project that pushes any of my buttons, be it exciting tech, social entrepreneurship, innovation… What has completely fallen of the list, is money.

I need a better way to find focus. I need some way to filter future projects.

Couple months ago I watched an ustwo presentation that explained their project criteria and their diagram stuck in the back of my head. So finally today I decided to dig it up again and take another look.

The criteria certainly resonate greatly with my priorities, so it would seems like a good idea to apply the hexagon before deciding to take on a project. Could this be the tool for me to better follow my passion?

What do you think? How do you go about deciding which projects you dedicate yourself to?



Balázs Suhajda

lifelong learner | holistic reducetarian | life extension advocate | future space colonist