“Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window”

Iqbal Natio
6 min readJul 30, 2024


I just finished reading “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window” by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi is a captivating, touching, and thought-provoking experience. From the very first page, I felt as though I was invited into a world filled with vibrant colors, joy, and invaluable lessons. Through Totto-chan’s story, we are presented with a profound reflection on education and the potential of each individual.

Totto-chan’s story begins with a depiction of her childhood, characterized by boundless energy and curiosity. Totto-chan, whose real name is Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, is a young girl who struggles to fit into the conventional education system. Known for her lively nature, she often disrupts class with her habit of moving around and talking to her classmates. The rigid, rule-bound educational system of the time made Totto-chan feel stressed and uncomfortable. Her mismatch with this system was exacerbated by various incidents that led her to be labeled as a “troublesome” child by teachers and school staff.

As a reader, I felt a deep sense of discomfort and injustice at Totto-chan’s experiences. There is a profound empathy that arises when witnessing how the inflexible educational system failed to recognize the potential within Totto-chan. She was not a bad child but had a different way of learning and interacting that did not align with the expectations of the existing education system. I felt a strong sense of concern as Totto-chan faced negative judgments and a lack of support for her uniqueness.

However, the turning point in the story occurs when Totto-chan is accepted into Tomoe Gakuen, a school very different from conventional ones. Tomoe Gakuen is housed in an old train that has been converted into a classroom. This concept is revolutionary and reflects a highly innovative approach to education. Headmaster Kobayashi, who leads the school, has a philosophy that diverges from conventional systems. He believes that every child has unique potential and that education should support and develop that potential in a creative and free manner.

At Tomoe Gakuen, Totto-chan experiences significant changes. I felt a sense of relief and excitement reading about how this new school environment provided Totto-chan with the opportunity to flourish and explore her interests. Headmaster Kobayashi and the teachers at Tomoe Gakuen did not see Totto-chan merely as a student but as an individual with unique qualities and potential that deserved to be valued. They created an environment where creativity and exploration were encouraged, giving Totto-chan the space to learn and grow in a way that suited her.

One of the most impressive aspects of the book is how Tomoe Gakuen implements a hands-on learning approach. Children are given the freedom to learn through practical activities, such as gardening and outdoor play. Watching Totto-chan become involved in gardening at school, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and achievement. This activity not only taught Totto-chan about plants but also about responsibility, hard work, and the pride in achieving results. I was inspired by how these activities provided Totto-chan the opportunity to explore her interests and experience the joy of accomplishment.

In addition to gardening, Tomoe Gakuen also teaches children important values such as empathy and humanity. The teachers at the school encourage children to support each other, work together, and understand the feelings and needs of others. There is a particularly touching moment when Totto-chan and her friends collaborate to help a classmate in distress. Seeing how the children learn to listen to one another and build supportive relationships reminded me of how crucial these values are in everyday life.

However, Totto-chan’s journey at Tomoe Gakuen is not without its challenges. World War II, which occurs during this period, becomes one of the greatest challenges Totto-chan and her friends face. The war has a significant impact on their lives, including shortages of food and resources. I felt the tension and sadness as I read about how Tomoe Gakuen had to face various difficulties due to the war. The closure of the school because of the war was an incredibly emotional moment, and I was deeply moved seeing how Totto-chan and her friends had to part from an environment that had become their second home.

Despite the closure of the school, the lessons and values taught at Tomoe Gakuen remain alive in Totto-chan and her friends. This experience teaches about resilience and hope, and the power of emotional support in facing difficulties. I was inspired by how Totto-chan and her friends maintained their spirit and hope despite facing very challenging circumstances. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of community support and optimism in overcoming life’s challenges.

Totto-chan’s family plays a crucial role in this story. Her parents are loving and supportive figures, and their support is invaluable in Totto-chan’s journey. Reading about how Totto-chan’s parents motivated and supported her, even when she faced difficulties, made me reflect on the importance of family support in a child’s development. The emotional support provided by the Kuroyanagi family is a clear example of how crucial it is to have a nurturing and supportive environment in shaping and supporting children’s growth.

Overall, “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window” is a profoundly engaging and inspiring book. Totto-chan’s life story and her experiences at Tomoe Gakuen offer deep insights into how innovative and empathetic education can shape an individual’s future. The book teaches that effective education involves more than just academic achievement; it is about building character, creativity, and humanity.

Reading this book leaves a lasting impression and provides many valuable lessons about life and education. I feel inspired by the innovative approach implemented at Tomoe Gakuen, and I believe many of us can learn from this educational philosophy. In a world where education often focuses on academic standards and test results, it is important to remember that true education also involves character development and humanity.

Totto-chan’s story made me reflect on how we approach education and how we can create environments that support and motivate children to pursue their dreams. The book serves as a reminder to value each individual’s unique potential and to create environments that support their development in positive and creative ways.

One of the most compelling elements of the book is how Totto-chan learns to appreciate and harness her uniqueness. At Tomoe Gakuen, she is not only accepted but celebrated for her unique personality. This is a reminder that every child has different potentials and talents, and education should be able to appreciate and develop those unique qualities. Seeing Totto-chan thrive in a supportive environment inspired me to think more deeply about how we can create similar environments in our daily lives.

The book also provides valuable lessons on how to support children through difficulties. Although Totto-chan faces various challenges, the support from her community and family helps her remain strong and enthusiastic. This is a reminder of how important emotional support is in navigating tough times and how we can provide the necessary support to help children overcome the challenges they face.

Through “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window”, I am faced with a deep reflection on education, life, and human values. The book not only offers an entertaining and touching story but also provides valuable insights into how we can create environments that support and motivate children to achieve their dreams. Totto-chan’s story is an inspiration to view the world with greater positivity and empathy, and this book is a highly valuable read for anyone interested in exploring deeper values of education and life.

Overall, “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window” is a work that is worth reading and reflecting upon. It teaches us that good education involves more than just academic achievement; it is about building character, creativity, and empathy. Through Totto-chan’s story, we are reminded of the importance of creating supportive and motivating environments for children to develop in ways that are true to themselves. This book leaves a deep impression and offers many valuable lessons on how we can create a better world for future generations.



Iqbal Natio

Don't be too gentle with the dark night, Don't be too gentle with the dark night, Hence it's time for you to be brave and never give up.