Target audience for the product

1 min readJun 4, 2019


We see that the general trend of data protection on the Internet is in our favor, so we will continue to develop our products.

As the Internet has an increasing impact on our lives, people are beginning to understand its work better, and the understanding on security and privacy issues is growing.

For example, such companies as Google and Facebook cannot protect their users ‘ information, and this has become particularly noticeable in recent years. In particular, the recent scandal with Facebook, and then with Instagram, was really frightening, when people began to understand what Facebook and Google’s business models are.

As consumers become more sophisticated and experienced, they also become aware of the greater need for security and privacy on the Internet. And that naturally leads to people looking for services that put security and privacy on first place, because that’s what you’re going to think about more and more while continuing to use Internet.

We want to invite everyone to participate in the beta testing of our VEDA email client .

