Eram Garden, Shiraz, Iran

1 min readOct 1, 2017


Photo from Wikipedia. User: Mohsenhsni

Shiraz is a city famous for its gardens and especially its cypress trees. Eram Garden is one of the most famous historical gardens in Iran and one of Shiraz’s major tourist attractions. The weather is especially pleasant during spring days and one may have a joyful stroll walking along the many flowers and plants and cypress trees. The garden belongs to the botanical section of the Shiraz university nowadays and is open for the public to visit. A beautiful building is located in the center of garden. It has colorful tiles with paintings of Iranian kings and poems of Sa’di and Hafez, two world famous Shirazi poets. There is a pool in front of the building and the streams of water passing through the garden lead to the pool. If you visit Shiraz, Eram garden is a place you must see and enjoy!

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