Chat Tuesday: Flaws shine like rivers.

Isa-Lee Wolf
2 min readMar 21, 2023
Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

Sometimes I think of my words like dandelion seeds on the wind, scattering, floating off to parts unknown. Maybe you watch them float by.

Maybe not.

They’re made of nothing, really, beyond the weight of my thoughts. Which makes me wonder how they can float.

A feat of linguistic physics.

While there are vague promises for what the day might hold, I remain introspective after a yin yoga session this morning. It’s a quiet practice of long-held poses.

The strength required in a yin yoga practice isn’t physical.

It’s left me calm, my ideas quiet, reflecting only the cloudy skies above. It is what it is and that’s OK.

Perfection is a mirage always ten feet ahead of you, nearly, nearly close enough to touch. That vision of yourself clad in “if onlys” seems tantalizing, harmless at first, but then they smile a sly smile and taunt you from a place that doesn’t exist.

We are who we are, and though that’s changeable, perhaps it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps everything we are or are not in this exact moment in this exact place is enough.

Perhaps we are enough.

Even as our flaws shine like rivers through our very existence.

We don’t have to be beholden to those If Only people. We can let them drift away, until the only reflection we see in the mirror…

The only reflection we need in the mirror…

Is us.

And the choice is yours now. You can catch this seed and hold it close, or let it float on by.

It is what it is and that’s OK.



Isa-Lee Wolf

Writer of humorous science fiction, preventer of doomsday at the hands of Aunty Ida, and cozy mystery author. Check out my books: