TV Watch: Murder around the world 2

Isa-Lee Wolf
3 min readMar 3, 2023
Photo by William Navarro on Unsplash

It’s murder time again! Fictional murder time, at least. All the other kinds are bad.

They’re generally not good in fiction either but I feel a huge digression coming on so let’s stay focused. Don’t worry, I’m talking to me, I’m sure you’re totally focused.

Anyway, no matter where in the world you land with your TVing, it seems there’s always room for murder mysteries, and so many of them that I’m sure this second installment won’t be our last.

And now, more murder around the world! (Catch the first one in case you missed it! TV Watch: Murder around the world.)

France (for realz this time): Candice Renoir

Candice Renoir (Cécile Boi) is a police commander (at least I think that’s what it is) who returns after time away from the job. A mom of four, she’s coolly greeted by a team including Raphaël Lenglet (Antoine) and Gaya Verneuil (Chrystelle).

Set in the gorgeous coastal city of Sète, you’ll get your views, your mysteries and your characters, which is pretty much the murder trifecta when it comes to TV viewing. To date, only 5 of apparently 11 seasons are available, it seems, so you, like me, will be waiting for your next fix.



Isa-Lee Wolf

Writer of humorous science fiction, preventer of doomsday at the hands of Aunty Ida, and cozy mystery author. Check out my books: