Whimper Fry

Ira Glass and the Unbearable Voice of Elite Podcasting

Isaac Simpson
Vandal Press


Ira Glass, King of the Whimper Fry Podcasters

The latest episode of Not a Huge Fan Podcast discusses a phenomenon that’s been bothering me for quite some time, the absolutely unbearably irritating voices of the Brooklyn podcasting elite. These podcasts, almost always spin-offs of the NPR fixture This American Life, consistently manage to occupy two or three of the top spots on Apple’s “Top Charts,” dominating these precious positions even pre-release.

They also share something else in common. The hosts speak with a disaffected, effete sort of vocal fry that sounds like they barely had the energy to drag themselves out of bed that morning. They are virtually carbon copies of each other and the internet is full of videos, like these two↓, lamenting them.

