1 min readAug 25, 2016

Sleep. We all need it. There are countless articles, blog posts, and studies on the subject. Telling us how much we should get and how we ought to get it.

There are many reasons why we may not be sleeping, and most often these reasons come in combinations; as unique and varied as the individuals themselves.

For myself, the combination is more like a complex equation: my own depression, anxiety, insomnia, and sleep terrors combined with the insomnia, depression, and anxiety of my spouse, and the autism - related sleep dysfunction and night terrors of my son.

Needless to say, sleep is at a premium around here. Sleep deprivation is real. The daily cost of splitting that sleep deprivation three ways at minimum is steep; it adds to the anxiety and depression of both parents and the stimming and other autism related behavioral issues of both children, which feed on each other, and only serve to continue to deepen the cycle of not sleeping.



Embracing the goddess in me, and taking my power back.