Work/Life Fit: A Framework for Finding Your Dream Job

What happens when you find a career that blends perfectly with your passion and lifestyle

Ish Baid
8 min readJan 2, 2020
Photo by luo chris from Pexels

In the startup world, there’s a term that describes when a company has reached the promised land: “Product/Market Fit.”

Product/Market fit is what happens when a company delivers a product or service that is so in sync with what a market needs that it creates exponential growth.

Every metric goes haywire. Revenue. Growth. Retention. Customer support emails.

Customers want your product so bad, they’ll rip it out of your hands.

Every billion-dollar company in existence has experienced this moment in their lifetime, often more than once: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Telsa, Tinder, WhatsApp, etc…

I think this exact same principle is something that can be applied to our own lives. I refer to it as “Work/Life Fit” and it describes the moment when you find a career path that is such a good fit for your passion and skill set that it completely changes how you live.

When you experience “Work/Life Fit”, you’ll never have a hard time waking up and getting to work again. In fact, you’ll crave it.



Ish Baid

YC Founder, Ex-Facebook Engineer, Forbes 30 Under 30. Join me this summer for Codevine Summer Accelerator ->