I’m Scared Of The Present

Ishan Haque
4 min readJan 18, 2015

I want the future to happen now.

Written by Ishan Haque

I’d like to think there are two types of people on this floating rock, the ones who are afraid of the future & the ones who are scared of the present.

I’m currently 15 years old and in the last century, we as a collective human race have innovated and developed technologies that have drastically changed the way we live today than say 10, 50 or 1000 years ago.

Then vs Now http://ig.masterofartsinteaching.net/schools-share.png

So congratulations to you who’s reading this! You have made it to 2015 where there’s flyi- oh wait… not yet Doc. Yes, we have evolved into these creatures who carry supercomputers in their pockets and can even speak to them but are we capable of more? Inventions that you thought weren't possible even 20 years from now are already happening, you just don’t know it yet.

People who are afraid of the future is holding back the natural course of evolution.

People aren't ready for it.

I hate it. Awesome things are being invented and the average person is scared and doesn’t like it because it’s too “futuristic”.

I hate the present, I don’t want to wait for the future — I’ll just have to create it.

Let’s talk about Google for a second. Although their inventions could have some blurry line implications on our future, it’s good to see them trying. Some have laughed at their quirky new takes, which makes me wonder why there isn’t more applauding for futuristic things like self-driving cars & Google Glass.

Google Glass http://www.iotshop.com.br/files/2014/04/google-glass1.png

They don’t look too bad, do they? Honestly, I might be in the small minority but considering what the capabilities of the glasses are and they managed to compact it in an some-what stylish look — I applaud them.

Self driving car use concept http://www.carnewscafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/cartechnology_8091210_600.jpg

Self driving cars aren't anything new, we've had them for a while but when is there going to be a time where it become ubiquitous? They have proven to be more efficient, safer, affordable and convenient, so why do people still want to manually drive their car?

Some don’t trust the technology and others just like driving, it’s their passion, their hobby but there are millions of people who don’t care! They wan’t to go to work and do some reading on the way or just focus their brain activity on a point that is more important than worrying about driving, traffic, weather etc. Unfortunately, there are more people that don’t want self driving cars than do so here we are, driving ourselves. If the consumer won’t buy then the company wont make (example: Google), pretty simple business if you ask me (They shut down Google Glass project, it wasn't a consumer hit).

The Ugly Bad Side

I’m infatuated by this industry, the craziest stuff like holographic, robots, AI & other projects are happening right now but we just don’t know it yet. I get it, some people are scared because of what’s going on in today's world with hackers & cyber attacks (I partially blame the NSA). I just hope we can advance on tech where we can better humanity, remove daily challenges & help with making our species smarter.

There are two videos I think you (the reader) should check out if you want to:

Bill Gates invests in a machine that takes waste and turns it into water & electricity


Technology making our lives easier, better and faster but also talks about the cautions of it (e.g. removing labor jobs and eventually white collar jobs)

What now?

Wait. I wan’t to still be alive to see crazy inventions that fascinate me, I wan’t to see platforms like mobile, wearable etc to become more powerful and for developers to make applications that will make our lives easier & our brain more productive, but I guess we all just have to wait.

The End

About me.

I’m 15, living in Australia, always in my room researching and learning about technology. When I was 12 I learnt about marketing and commerce, sold ad space until I have enough money to fund other cool projects. Now days, I learn to program and love reading my favorite publications in the categories of business, technology & health. I am incredibly fascinated by the tech industry and places like Silicon Valley where I’d love to go to someday.

You can find me on twitter @IshanHaq or you can email me: officialishan@gmail.com

Please leave any constructive criticism and/or feedback. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this story.

I recommend reading my two other stories, only if you enjoyed this one or you are just curious:

