3 min readOct 12, 2017

Dhanteras — Festival Of Wealth

Dhanteras is just around the corner! This festival is celebrated two days before the beginning of Diwali, a day devoted to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi and praying for sound health, wealth and prosperity. Marked on the 13th day of the month of Kartik, Dhanteras is an auspicious day to purchase gold and silver jewellery or utensils, to plan wedding dates, purchase houses and cars, organize housewarming ceremony, to make any kind of business deals , to start off a new business venture, etc.

This is also the time to buy new clothes, particularly Indian ethnic wear, wearing fashionable jewelleries and lighting the first lamp to expiate evil or Yama, the God of Death from the house.

Most importantly, Dhanteras is not about getting financially rich, but they wish to bring the wealth of health and happiness in life.

Here’s how.

Offering Lamp to Lord Yamaraj

The lamp is worshipped with fragrant flowers and offered to Lord Yamraj following matram of

Mrityuna Pashhastena Kaalen Bhayarya Sah

Trayodashya Deepdanatsuryajah Preeyataameeti

Mythology, however has it that Lord Yamaraj enquired his assistant, if they were facing problems in taking anybody’s life. Althoug, they said it was their duty to follow his orders, but they felt very bad for the untimely death of the prince who was married just for four days. Witnessing the sadness of the prince’s wife and family members, for the first time they said felt ashamed of their work.

The 16-year-old son of King Hima was predicted to die on his fourth day of marriage — on Dhanteras — by snake bite. But his wife decided not let let him go to sleep. And She laid out all her ornaments along with pots of gold and silver coins at the entrance of her bedroom and lit many lamps. ShShe told him stories and sang songs to keep him awake that night and when the God of Death, Yama, came disguised as a snake, he was completely baffled by dazzling lights and glittering metals at the entrance. Instead of killing the price he decided to climb up the pots to listen to the stories. By morning, he slithered away silently as he had missed the chance of killing the prince. The prince was saved by his bride after she baffled the snake with her wealth.

Therefore, Lord Yamaraj said that if a person offers a lamp to him on the occasion of Dhanteras, then his death will not happen untimely.

Paying Repect to Dhanwantari, The Lord of Ayurveda

As legend goes, when the sea was churned by the Gods and Demons, Lord Dhanwantari, the Lord of Health, emerged with golden pitcher full amritrasa for the deities from the sea.

So, the day Dhanteras celebration begins with ofeering prayer to Lord Dhanwantari, wishing to acquire sound health and long life.

Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi & Lord Kuber

On this day the people take cold bath in the morning. The business community close their Account and Ledger books and assemble at the place of worship to offer their prayers to Goddess Laksmi, the Lord of Wealth and Lord Kuber, the Lord wealth riches, so as to attain wealth and prosperity for a lifetime. They maintain fast throughout the day and take food in the evening. After the puja rituals are over, Dhanteras vrata katha is read.

Purchasing Utensils

It is considered extremely auspicious to buy silver utensils on this occasion. The rich people buy valuable metals like gold and silver and common man or even the poor buy utensils of brass, copper or bell-metal which can, in hard days, bring money in exchange.

Sometimes men gamble too, hoping that their prayers to Lakshmi will be answered.

Do’s and Don’ts Dhanteras

· So, do make unnecessary expenditure on Dhanteras. Buy only those that you need.

· Offer your prayers to Lord Dahnwantari earoly in the morning and worship him for your good health.

· Once the Puja is over, perform the Yama tarpan should be observed.

· On this auspicious day, avoid borrowing or lending money to anyone.

· It is extremely auspicious to buy metal utensils, gold and silver ornaments in the afternoon. It is believed that doing so marks the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi into your house.

· Light several diyas in the pooja room to brighten it up for the occasion in the evening.

· Take a red cloth take a red cloth and place Lord Kuber’s image and idol, Goddess Lakshmi’s image and idol on it. Then worship these by offering vermilion (roli), mauli thread, rice, dhoop, flowers, diya and naivaidya.