Is really good to surpass your limits?

2 min readNov 6, 2023


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I often hear how one’s supposed to surpass their limits.

Sometimes it feels like bullshit.

Sometimes I ask myself if I would be able to do that.

Sometimes I even tried, and the results were failure.

I’m referring in particular to physical limits. It was when I still couldn’t find the right diet for me. A diet a nutritionist assigned to me. I wanted to exercise, so I tried various apps to help me move more.

The only thing I obtained was my sciatica, which haunts me even more.

Once, I tried to surpass some of my mental limits too. Disaster struck, and I dropped out of college because I couldn’t take me anymore.

The geist seemed to me to be the fact that if I surpass certain limits, I fail.

And I didn’t get along with failure back then. Not like I do now.

What if surpassing certain limits is not recommended or necessary? Or unadvised even?

The problem for me was not recognizing which limit I needed to break and win.

It was not understood where my comfort zone resides.

By working on myself, I understand better now. Every time I push a limit, though, the fear of doing the wrong thing is still there.

It’s part of growing up; I get it, but now more than ever, I’m convinced that we must listen only to ourselves. Let the gurus be para-gurus.

Observe, learn, and experiment with you as a measure.




Hello everybody! I’m Iskall and I love to write stories and articles. I hope to entertain you and even inform you with my passion and curiosity!