Hey, Thank You !

2 min readSep 2, 2022


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When I used to work for a plumbing and ac company, my old boss would constantly make it a point to say thank you every chance he got. Whether it was handing us our checks (yes, we still had paper checks for a while) or before a meeting, and even when he needed something, he would first say thank you. Not thank you for doing whatever he was about to ask of me but thank you for simply showing up. He would say he appreciated that I was there instead of being with my family.

Now by no means was my job perfect. It was really stressful at times, and the commute was terrible but thank you, it made work a little less horrible.

Just that simple phrase was one of the reasons I stayed longer than I should have (way longer, but that is a whole other topic). But it was effective, which begs the question, why do we not say thank you more?

Anyone who has worked with customers directly (especially customer service) knows that the simple phrase “thank you” can change the whole conversation. Sometimes, the barista adds extra-extra cameral to your drink.

It’s a simple phrase, but it is one that we are often so trained to use that we do not mean it, or we say it filled with spite. It is polite and good manners, but sometimes the only gratitude people hear all day.

Feeling unappreciated is a feeling that almost everyone can relate to, especially while in a relationship, whether it be romantic or not, and most common felt at work. It is a significant cause of the employees leaving their jobs and the end of many marriages. Just saying thank you is not going to fix any long-term issues in the workplace or relationships, but it is the start of showing appreciation. For that, please see a therapist. Being appreciated or feeling like such can, at the very least, lift morale. It is a basic human need: the wanting to be noticed and appreciated for what we do. That feeling is not limited to just work but in almost all aspects of life; relationships also thrive when there is a mutual feeling of appreciation.

So take that extra five seconds to say thank you to someone or give them some encouragement today (I got you covered here if you need an idea). It is entirely free and can be a small morale lift that someone may require today. And if you have been told yet today, thank you, I appreciate you spending your time reading this today.

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Content Marketer and Freelance Writer in layman terms, a person who research, writes and creates marketing content to pay her bills.