Itoka Groove Up Music Fest — Jukebox Listening Contest

4 min readAug 25, 2022


Listen to Win NFTs

The first Itoka Groove Up Music Festival is going to be held on-chain from Aug 26th, 6 pm PDT, to Sep 11th, 9 pm PDT (Aug 27, 1 am UTC ~Sep 12th, 4 am UTC)

The most exciting event during the fest is the community streaming contest. All of the communities who invited Itoka Jukebox to their discord servers will be automatically signed up for this contest, battling to win 171+ wonderful NFTs for a total worth of more than 300 ICPs(~$2400).

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To Participate

For individuals: join the communities that have installed Itoka Jukebox; check out our updates for the full list of participating communities.
***You will at least listen to our Jukebox for 10 minutes to be qualified for participation.***

For community manager: invite and set up our Jukebox in your server. Check out the documentation & tutorial here.

Prize Pool

There are 171 NFTs in our Prize Pool coming from various projects. They are grouped into 4 categories:

  1. Outstanding NFTs (O): 105 appealing NFTs (~1ICP each) coming from several wonderful projects
  2. Premium NFTs (P): 41NFTs (2–5ICPs each) of extraordinary quality and value
  3. Mythic NFTs (M): 10 epic NFTs (>10ICP each) that you’ve been dreaming of
  4. Itoka’s Special (K): 15 Itoka’s Bazahei NFT final reserves!

Winning Conditions & Rewards:

There are five different ways to win these wonderful NFTs:

  • Grooviest Communities (3M, 16P, 15O):
    We pick the top 3 communities ranked by their total listening time and give rewards to the top 3 streaming time contributors plus a “lucky drop” to other listeners according to the numbers shown in the following figure (top contributors cannot win the lucky drop).
Grooviest Communities Award
  • Loyalest Listeners (1M, 10K, 3P, 23O)
    We give our rewards to the top individual listeners ranked by their listening time regardless of which community they are in according to the following figure:
Loyalest Listeners Award
  • Milestone Jackpot (4M, 18P, 40O)
    When we reach the following milestones, we will give out special prizes at random to some qualified participating listeners. Please check the following figure for the milestones & details:
Milestone Jackpot
  • Mystery Pool (2M, 5K, 4P, 7O)
    This is a mystery pool. You have to guess what the rules are. One hint: only those who are really crazy about our Jukebox & music can win. We will reveal the rules towards the end of the contest.
    Please check the following figure for the prize breakdown:
Mystery Pool
  • Event Random Giveaway (20 O)
    We will be randomly giving away a total of 20 O NFTs for 20 participants in our music Fest’s events. Keep up with our updates and you may be the lucky one!

About Your Listening Time

  • How is it recorded?
    For individuals:
    When you join a Jukebox voice channel, your listening time will be automatically recorded and it will be updated only after you leave the voice channel. You can join multiple servers and listen to the Jukebox in any one of them. Your total time will be properly recorded. However, your contributions to each server are separately recorded. For the Grooviest Communities Award, you will be ranked by your contribution to a certain community, while for the Loyalest Listener Award you will be ranked based on your total listening time.
    For example, you listened to Jukebox for 10 mins at A, and 5 mins at B. Your total time will be 15mins. For each community, your contribution will be A:10mins, B: 5mins.
    For communities: The total listening time is the summation of all listening time users spend in your server listening to Jukebox. It DOES NOT count the time they spend listening on other servers.
  • How to check the time & rank?
    Go to Jukebox’s controlling text channel and type !rank to check the overall rankings or type !me to check your own listening time and ranking

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