Make The Customer Number 1

Coach Ben
3 min readFeb 10, 2020

The secret to a good business is making your customer number one.

Focusing all of your business goals and objectives around the vision of making your customer the most important person in your business process.

Looking at what you build / the service you offer you need to make sure that you are giving your customer the most amount of value possible. If you are authentic with that, if you really truly believe and strive for that, it will come across in your messaging, in your product, the way that you offer it, the way that you talk, the passion that you bring.

I’m passionate about scaling and growing businesses. I love to talk about it. I will go on at every opportunity to anyone who will listen.

This comes across in what I do, how I speak, how I act.

It all comes down to being authentic and instead of looking at it in a way of “I want to make more money” and “how many more people can I sell to”!

Pivoting that into how can I add the maximum amount of value and have the biggest impact. If you’re really passionate about what you’re offering and you know the benefit of what you offer, how much that can have a positive effect on the people that you get it to, it will totally transform the way you talk about it, the way that you market it.

When you think about it you’re almost doing people an injustice by not letting them hear about what you do or your service or product and what it can do for them. Because you know how much it’s going to enrich their lives, the value it’s going to bring that person.

The more of that you can bring into your marketing, the way that you talk if you do video content, the way that you put that across. You will see that translate into sales and growth and also customer satisfaction.

When a customer doesn’t feel they’re being sold to and when it’s more of about the benefit that it’s going to have to them, yes, there is money exchange happening there, but it’s about getting that product to the right people and enriching their lives and sharing those stories.

The product reviews, you know, look at it when you buy stuff, when you go on holiday, you know you look at the hotel, and you look at the reviews and most of the time, it is the hotel with the best reviews that wins.

Now, the hotels that get the best reviews, it’s not just because they’re trying to extort the most amount of money from the people that go to that hotel.

It’s because normally that the way that they do what they do is built around making sure people have the best time possible.

All of the decisions they make will be based around making sure that those holidaymakers have the best holiday, and not just that. Mistakes do happen, but when they do, they’ll be put right, they will go out of their way and go above and beyond to make sure that each and every person that goes to that hotel has a great time.

Not just to try and bias the reviews because it’s almost hard-coded into their DNA that that is their ultimate goal.

So look at how you market and how you do business. How is it? Is it centered around your customer or is it purely there just to make more and more sales?

See how you can transition from that method into making more of the vision around your customer and making everything more customer-centric.

I’ll be really interested to find out whether your vision is based around the customer or is based more around just the business goal and customer is more of a kind of secondary thought process within all of that.

Like always, hit me up in the comments and let me know!



Coach Ben

Digital Marketing & Business Growth Adviser | Speaker | Author | Entrepreneur