Johanna Romero
1 min readSep 8, 2016


Everyone was up in arms when Apple replaced the 30-pin connector with the digital, much faster, lightning port, and now it’s hard to imagine how much longer it would take to charge our iPhones without it. People are always resisting change, but the truth of the matter is, it is necessary. I would much rather have a phone that’s water resistant, with a better battery life, and with a home button that doesn’t feel like I’m about to damage the mechanical spring under it because of overuse.

Is Apple “courageous”? Maybe so. At least in my view of how a company that has been most recently criticized for not innovating enough has taken a stand in removing something they KNOW will change the game, even if they have to catch flack over it in the beginning.



Johanna Romero

I.T. Support Manager. Techie. Wannabe Coder. Apple Fangirl. Proud Latina. #iPadOnly #Apple #WomanInTech #iOS