10 Beginner project ideas for Frontend Developers

4 min readJan 23, 2023


Hi, as a front-end developer, it’s important to constantly improve your skills and stay up to date with the latest technologies. One of the best ways to do this is by working on personal projects. Not only will you learn new things and improve your abilities, but you’ll also have something to show for your efforts in your portfolio. If you’re just starting out as a frontend developer, here are a few beginner-friendly project ideas to get you started:

  1. Build a static website: A static website is one that is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and does not have any dynamic functionality. This is a good project for beginners because it allows you to focus on the fundamentals of web development, such as how to structure a webpage and how to style it with CSS. You can start by building a simple personal website or a portfolio to showcase your work.
  2. Build a simple to-do list application: To-do list applications are a common beginner project because they are relatively simple to build and provide an opportunity to practice working with JavaScript. You can start by building a basic to-do list with the ability to add, mark as complete, and delete tasks. You can then add more functionality, such as the ability to sort tasks or set reminders.
  3. Build a basic calculator: Building a calculator is a good project for beginners because it requires you to work with basic arithmetic and use JavaScript to handle user input and perform calculations. You can start by building a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations and then add more functionality, such as the ability to perform advanced calculations or handle decimal numbers.
  4. Build a basic game: Building a simple game is a fun project that can help you practice your front-end skills. You can start by building a game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, such as a simple memory game or a tic-tac-toe game. As you become more comfortable with front-end development, you can try building more complex games.
  5. A weather app: Use an API to pull in current weather data and display it on the page in an interactive and visually pleasing way. You can use an API like OpenWeatherMap to pull in weather data such as temperature, humidity, and forecast for a specific location. Use CSS to create a visually pleasing layout and display the weather data in an interactive way, such as using icons to represent the current weather conditions. Allow users to search for weather data by city or zip code.
  6. A social media app: Create a mini social media platform where users can create profiles, post images, videos, and messages, and connect with other users. Allow users to create profiles, post images, videos, and messages, and connect with other users. Allow users to comment on and like other users’ posts. Allow users to search for other users by username.
  7. Portfolio website: You can create a portfolio website to showcase your own personal projects and skills. Create a portfolio website to showcase your own personal projects and skills. Use CSS and JavaScript to create a visually pleasing and interactive layout. Include sections for your bio, education, and work experience.
  8. A Pomodoro Timer: Create a Pomodoro timer that allows users to set a specific amount of time for a task and a short break, and then display a countdown timer. Create a Pomodoro timer that allows users to set a specific amount of time for a task and a short break, and then display a countdown timer using JavaScript.Allow users to customize the duration of the task and break time. Allow users to pause and resume the timer.
  9. Quiz app:Create a quiz app that allows users to test their knowledge on a specific topic and displays their results at the end. Create a quiz app that allows users to test their knowledge on a specific topic. You can use an API like Open Trivia DB to pull in question-and-answer data. Display the questions, multiple choice answers, and a submit button for each question. Display the final score at the end of the quiz.
  10. A news app: You can Create a news app that pulls in articles from various sources and displays them in a visually pleasing way. Create a new app that pulls in articles from various sources using an API like News API. Display the articles in a visually pleasing way using CSS and JavaScript.Allow users to search for articles by keyword or browse articles by category.

Remember, the goal of these projects is to learn and improve your skills, so don’t worry about making them perfect. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of building something from scratch.




A product designer with a superpower – the ability to translate complex tech into user-friendly and visually captivating experiences.