Intoduction to IoT: Let’s Explore the IoT Together

3 min readSep 24, 2022

Hi, it’s so nice to see you here in this article, I’m gonna talk about IoT today. If you’re not familiar with this topic I’m here to help you out because I’m gonna try to tell you the basics of IoT. If you’re ready let’s get started.

IoT smart devices image from Pexels

My First aim is to explain the meaning of IoT itself. IoT, It’s the short version of the Internet of things. With IoT , we can communicate and transfer the data with other devices, also it allows us to full synchronization with other devices. This technology can allow us to collecting, sending and processing data from other smart devices.Internet of Things devices transfer the collected data through a gateway, share it by connecting it to a cloud system or a different end device where the data can be analyzed.

IoT usage is so common in different fields and this usage provides us various benefits such as productive, and industrial fields are used intensively.I want to give some examples of this information. I hope these examples will help you to imagine and understand it better.

  • Medicine and healthcare — IoT devices provide numerous new opportunities for healthcare workers to monitor patients such as: help us to Remote patient monitoring, Glucose monitoring, Depression and mood monitoring, and Parkinson’s disease monitoring.
  • Transportation — IoT provides efficient and secure transport for us.With IoT we have a convenience to manage Efficient Traffic Management,Self-driving Cars,Automated Toll and Ticketing.
  • Smart homes — The main reason to use IoT devices at home is to simplify our home life and make it safer and more comfort. Here are the same use cases the IoT for houses: Lightning, Safety and Security Systems, power and energy savings in the rooms, adjusting the temperature, and many many more.
IoT smart devices image from Pexels

The next step is introducing the components of the Internet of things subject. I’ll try to outline what each components means in the sections below and how they come together to form a complete IoT system. In here we have to understand 4 main components:

  • Sensors/Devices— Sensors are devices that detect the information from outside and replacing it with a signal that humans and devices can distinguish.We’re using the IoT devices in very diverse areas such as these devices can be anything from a thermostat in a device to a car.
  • Connectivity — Connectivity is maybe the most important component of the Internet of Things. IoT devices rely on networks to communicate with gateways, applications, servers, routers, and other IoT devices.This could be a Bluetooth and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) connection, Cellular connection or WIFI connection.
  • Data Processing — Maybe the main purpose for data processing is the data processing is to convert raw data to something useful.But there’s a tiny bit difference between information and data, that’s why we have to be careful about that for better understanding. Once the data is processed, it is called information but data means raw material. In this processing situation we have three main keyword and those are: Input, Processing and lastly output.
  • User Interface — This component is our bridge to reach out the users. This includes screens, pages, buttons, icons, forms and many more.The other important roles that UI plays in IoT is : Receiving Automatic Notifications, Monitoring Information Proactively and Controlling the System Remotely.
IoT sensor image from Pexels

Last but not least here I’ll try to tell more about advantages and disadvantages of using IoT:

Advantages of IoT:

  • Advantages of IoT
  • Minimizing Human effort
  • Save time
  • Better use of resources and assets
  • Effective operation
  • Work safety

Disadvantages of IoT:

  • Security
  • Overuse of the Internet
  • Complexity
  • Compatibility & Integration

It was the basic introduction to IoT and I hope you find it useful :)




A product designer with a superpower – the ability to translate complex tech into user-friendly and visually captivating experiences.