How Long should a Business Plan be? Business Plan Length

Ivan Smith
6 min readOct 30, 2023


how long should a business plan be

Starting a new business is an exhilarating experience filled with dreams, aspirations, and of course, tons of planning. One of the cornerstones of this planning phase is creating a business plan. But a question that often looms in the minds of budding entrepreneurs is: “How long should a business plan be?” Let’s dive deep into this topic

Understanding the Purpose of a Business Plan

Before we answer the question of length, it’s vital to understand why we’re drafting this plan in the first place. A business plan serves multiple purposes:

Blueprint for Your Business: It acts as a roadmap, guiding your business from its nascent stages to growth and maturity.
Attract Investors: A comprehensive plan showcases the feasibility and potential profitability of your business idea, making it appealing to investors.
Team Alignment: It ensures that everyone on your team is on the same page regarding business objectives and strategies.

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The Dynamics of Length in a Business Plan

This is where the waters can get a little murky. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, several factors influence the length of a business plan.

1. The Audience of Your Plan

For Investors
If you’re pitching to investors, remember that they’re swamped with dozens of business plans. For them, conciseness is key. A range of 10–15 pages of clear, easy-to-read text is generally recommended. Don’t mistake this for an oversimplification, though. It’s about presenting detailed information in a digestible format.

For Internal Use
For startups drafting business plans primarily for internal use, the focus should be more on content than page count. Think of it as a working document that guides your team’s efforts.

2. The Nature of Your Business

A tech startup aiming to create the next big SaaS product might need a more detailed plan than a local café. Industry specifics, market research, and technological considerations can add layers of complexity.

3. Content Over Count

The age-old adage “quality over quantity” rings true here. It’s less about how many pages your plan is and more about the quality and relevance of the content. A focused 20-page plan can be far more effective than a rambling 50-page document.

Key Sections Every Business Plan Should Include

Understanding the primary components of a business plan can give clarity on the potential length. Let’s unpack the essential sections:

1. Executive Summary

Think of this as the trailer to your business’s movie. It should be concise, engaging, and give a snapshot of what your business is all about.

2. Business Description

Here’s where you delve into what your business does, the problems it aims to solve, and the solutions it offers.

3. Market Analysis

This section demonstrates that you’ve done your homework. It should showcase your knowledge of the industry, target market, and competitors.

4. Organization and Management

Who’s steering the ship? Detail your business’s organizational structure, ownership information, and profiles of key team members.

5. Product or Service Line

Go in-depth about what you’re offering. Highlight the benefits, life cycle, and any intellectual property considerations.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategies

How do you plan to attract and retain customers? This section should lay out your strategies and tactics.

7. Financial Projections

The nitty-gritty of your business’s financial health. Include forecasts, budgeting, and funding requirements.

8. Appendices and Supporting Information

Include any other documents that support your business plan, such as resumes of key employees, patents, or detailed market studies.

Striking the Balance: Length vs. Clarity

A significant concern with length is ensuring clarity. If you’re consistently concise and clear, you’ll naturally find the sweet spot for your business plan’s length. Use visuals like graphs, charts, and infographics to present data attractively. This not only breaks the monotony of text but can convey complex data in an easily digestible form.

In Conclusion: How Long Should It Be?

As we wrap up, the central theme that emerges is flexibility. A business plan’s length should be dictated by its purpose, content quality, and the audience it’s intended for. Whether it’s 10 pages or 50, what truly matters is its relevance, clarity, and comprehensiveness.

As a startup, focus on creating a plan that resonates with your vision and communicates it effectively to all stakeholders. And remember, a business plan is a living document; it evolves with your business. So, keep revising, updating, and optimizing.

Read more at at here : How Long should a Business Plan be? so you get idea about business plan length

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Business Plan Length

How many pages should a ‘good’ business plan be — on average?

A good business plan is typically between 15 to 25 pages. It should be comprehensive enough to cover key aspects but concise enough to maintain the reader’s engagement. Striking a balance ensures that essential information is conveyed without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

What is the ideal length for a business plan, and can a business plan be longer than usual?

The ideal length for a business plan is usually around 20 pages. However, it can be longer, especially if the complexity of the business warrants additional detail. While brevity is crucial, providing thorough and relevant information takes precedence over adhering strictly to a predetermined page count.

How many words should a business plan be?

A business plan typically ranges from 4,000 to 6,000 words. This word count allows for a comprehensive exploration of key elements without being overly verbose. Concise language is essential to maintain the reader’s attention and ensure the plan is focused on conveying essential information.

Should a business plan be lengthy?

No, a business plan should not be overly lengthy. While it depends on the business’s complexity, a concise and focused plan is more effective. Aim for clarity and relevance rather than unnecessary length, ensuring that each section contributes meaningfully to the overall narrative.

What is the maximum reasonable length for a business plan?

The maximum reasonable length for a business plan is generally around 35 pages. However, it’s crucial to prioritize quality over quantity. If additional pages are necessary to convey critical information, they should be included, but unnecessary details should be avoided to maintain the plan’s impact.

Is a business plan typically 25 to 35 pages long?

While business plans can vary in length, a typical range is 15 to 25 pages. Plans extending to 25 to 35 pages may be appropriate for more complex businesses or those requiring in-depth analysis. However, it’s essential to ensure that the content remains relevant and engaging.

How many pages is a full business plan?

A full business plan typically ranges from 15 to 25 pages. This length allows for a comprehensive exploration of the business’s key elements without becoming overly detailed. It strikes a balance between providing necessary information and maintaining the reader’s interest.

Can a business plan be 2 pages?

Yes, a business plan can be condensed to 2 pages, known as a “lean” or “short” business plan. While suitable for certain situations, such as startup pitches, it may lack the depth of a more extensive plan. The key is to include essential elements, focusing on clarity and impact.

Can a business plan be 3 pages?

Yes, a 3-page business plan is feasible and often referred to as a “condensed” version. It provides a concise overview of essential business elements while maintaining brevity. This format is suitable for quick presentations or initial discussions.

Can a business plan be 5 pages?

Yes, a 5-page business plan is a viable option, providing a balance between brevity and detail. This format allows for a more in-depth exploration of key elements without becoming overly extensive. It is suitable for various situations, including presentations to potential investors or stakeholders.

How long should a business plan be for investors?

For investors, a business plan should be concise, generally falling within the range of 10–15 pages of clear, easy-to-read text. However, the focus should be on presenting detailed information in a digestible format rather than sticking rigidly to a page limit.

Do internal business plans have a standard length?

For internal use, there’s no strict standard regarding the length of a business plan. The focus should primarily be on the content’s quality and relevance rather than page count. It should serve as a working document to guide the team’s efforts.

Does the nature of the business affect the business plan’s length?

Yes, certain businesses, like tech startups, might require more detailed plans due to industry specifics, market research, and technological considerations, compared to simpler business models like a local café.

Does a longer business plan guarantee more success in attracting investors?

Not necessarily. Investors value clarity, feasibility, and potential profitability over the sheer length of a business plan. A focused, well-researched, and clear 20-page plan can be more effective than a rambling 50-page document.



Ivan Smith

Hello, I'm Ivan Smith, a graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing. Currently, I'm actively engaged in practicing business plan writing.