How to Start Sneaker Reselling Business? Guide and Business Plan Template

Ivan Smith
4 min readJan 10, 2024

Sneaker reselling has become a hugely popular and potentially lucrative business in recent years. With limited edition sneakers selling for thousands of dollars over retail price, there is plenty of profit to be made by buying up coveted kicks and reselling them to eager collectors and hypebeasts.

However, starting a successful sneaker reselling business takes more than just buying sneakers when they release and posting them online for more money. You need to have a well thought out business plan, establish relationships with suppliers, understand demand trends, and master promotion and customer service.

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Follow this comprehensive guide to learn everything you need to launch a profitable sneaker resale company.

Understanding the Sneaker Reselling Market

Before you embark on your sneaker reselling journey, it’s crucial to gain a deep understanding of the market. Sneaker reselling operates within a niche culture, influenced by limited releases, collaborations, and cultural trends. Familiarize yourself with popular brands, sought-after models, and the factors that drive demand. Key brands include Nike, Adidas, and Yeezy, while Air Jordans and limited edition releases often fetch the highest resale prices.

Key Market Factors:

  • Hype and Exclusivity: Limited releases and collaboration with celebrities or designers create hype and drive demand.
  • Brand Recognition: Iconic brands and collaborations often command higher resale prices.
  • Condition Matters: Sneakers in pristine condition can fetch higher prices, while worn or damaged pairs may not be as profitable.

Creating a Business Plan for Sneaker Reselling

A successful sneaker reselling business requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you formulate a solid business plan.

1. Research and Niche Identification:

Begin by researching the sneaker market to identify profitable niches. Consider focusing on specific brands, models, or themes to build expertise and a dedicated customer base.

2. Legal Considerations:

Ensure that your business complies with local regulations. Register your business, obtain any necessary licenses, and familiarize yourself with tax obligations.

3. Supply Chain Management:

Establish reliable sources for acquiring sneakers. This may involve building relationships with authorized retailers, participating in raffles, or connecting with other resellers.

4. Pricing Strategy:

Develop a pricing strategy that considers market trends, the condition of the sneakers, and your target profit margin. Be competitive, but also factor in the costs associated with acquiring and selling each pair.

5. Online Presence:

Create a professional online presence through platforms like social media, a dedicated website, or established sneaker marketplaces. Utilize high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and transparent policies to build trust with potential buyers.

6. Marketing and Branding:

Invest time in building your brand. Utilize social media marketing, collaborations, and promotions to increase visibility and attract potential buyers. Consistent branding will set you apart in a competitive market.

7. Customer Service and Feedback:

Provide excellent customer service to build a positive reputation. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns, and encourage feedback. Positive reviews and a strong reputation can significantly impact your business’s success.

Key Tools and Resources for Sneaker Reselling

As you embark on your sneaker reselling journey, leverage various tools and resources to streamline your operations and stay ahead of the competition.

1. Sneaker Authentication Services:

Use reputable authentication services to ensure the legitimacy of the sneakers you acquire. This builds trust with buyers and protects your business from counterfeit concerns.

2. Inventory Management Software:

Invest in inventory management software to keep track of your stock, sales, and profits. This will help you make informed business decisions and maintain efficient operations.

3. Social Media Platforms:

Harness the power of social media platforms to connect with your audience. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are ideal for showcasing your inventory and engaging with potential buyers.

4. Sneaker Marketplaces:

Explore established sneaker marketplaces such as StockX, GOAT, or eBay to expand your reach and access a broader customer base.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thorough Market Research: Understanding market trends and customer preferences is crucial for success in the sneaker reselling business.
  • Strategic Planning: Develop a solid business plan that includes legal considerations, supply chain management, pricing strategies, and a strong online presence.
  • Build Your Brand: Invest in marketing and branding efforts to establish a recognizable and trustworthy identity in the sneaker reselling community.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Prioritize customer service to build a positive reputation and foster long-term relationships with buyers.
  • Utilize Tools and Resources: Leverage authentication services, inventory management software, and online platforms to streamline operations and stay competitive.

Embarking on a sneaker reselling venture requires dedication, market insight, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. By following this comprehensive guide and business plan, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of sneaker reselling and turn your passion into a profitable venture.

FAQs on Sneaker Reselling Business

Is sneaker reselling profitable?

Yes, sneaker reselling can be extremely profitable due to high demand and market prices for limited edition and coveted sneakers.

What platform is best for reselling sneakers?

eBay and Facebook Marketplace are two of the best online platforms for reselling sneakers due to their massive reach and existing buyer bases of sneaker enthusiasts.

How to start a sneaker brand?

Design unique shoes, develop prototypes, perfect manufacturing logistics, build hype through marketing, and launch for sale through ecommerce channels and retailers.

How much is the sneaker resale market?

The global sneaker resale market is estimated to be worth $6 billion and growing rapidly each year.

What is the most expensive shoe size to resell?

More limited production runs make smaller sizes like 7 and below often more valuable on the sneaker resale market.

What size sneakers resell for the most?

Again smaller sizes (7 and below) resale for higher profits due to scarcity and high demand.

How big is the market for sneakers?

The global sneakers market reached over $84 billion in 2022 and continues expanding quickly, especially for collectible and limited edition shoes.

What is the average price of sneakers in 2023?

The current average resale price for popular sneaker models is around $300.



Ivan Smith

Hello, I'm Ivan Smith, a graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing. Currently, I'm actively engaged in practicing business plan writing.