Ayahuasca Visions by Pablo Amaringo

The Shaman
3 min readFeb 8, 2017


Pablo Amaringo is an Ayahuasca visionary painter born 1943 in Puerto Libertad . Small village on the bank of the Ucayali River in the Peruvian Amazon .

Seventh of thirteen children Pablo Amaringo grew up in poverty .

Due to financial problems his family was forced to move Pucallpa . As a youngster Pablo have had a serious heart problems and was given Ayahuasca which helped him to overcome the illness . He claims that he hasn’t been a believer and he thought that the shamans were deceivers and they were lying the people . He knew that the plant has powers , but didn’t believe in magic and spirits until the year of 1967 . When Maestro Pablo Amaringo was 24 one of his sisters got hepatitis and was in horrible condition . She was in agony and could not either eat or speak . A curandera came to their house . After only one session Pablo saw his sister miraculously heal .Struck by the curandera powers Pablo decides to learn the sacred science of Vegitalismo .

On the same night he took Ayahuasca and began his journey to the spiritual realm .

He continued a series of Ayahuasca sessions and diets . After a month or so he gain the powers of the Mother plant . He discovered that he can sing chants without ever learning them .Whit his new powers he started helping people . One of his first patient as a curandera was a young woman with severe headache which he personally felt during the healing session . Unlike his shaman colleagues , he didn’t needed to take Ayahuasca to identify the patient’s problem . He was feeling their problems and their emotions . Maestro Amaringo began traveling in Peru and helping people .

Encouraged by his employer he started painting for his own pleasure .

A few years later the spirits played their roll and met Pablo Amaringo with the biologist Denis McKenna, Terence McKenna sibling . He was impressed by his work . In 1985 he took some of his painting and show then in an exhibition he was organizing in Switzerland . His work impressed Luis Eduardo Luna who have came wiht Denis McKenna . By the time Pablo was drawing paintings representing the Amazonian every day life . Mr. Luna was traveling in south America studying the magical plants . By the time Pablo was drawing paintings of the Amazonian every day life . Luna offered Pablo to help him sell his paintings . They have spoken about Mr. Luna’s endeavor and Pablo decided that he can start drawing the visions he had as a shaman .

For his paintings Maestro Pablo Amaringo said that these are gates to cross the spiritual boundaries . That his work is a mark to remind the people what they are where they are coming from and where are they going to . His remarkable art has a lot of the indigenous Amazonian culture in it but can touch the heard of people despite of their culture and believe .

Maestro Pablo Amaringo died on 16th of November 2009 but his fascinating work will remain for the generations to come .

Source : http://the-shaman.com/ayahuasca-visions-pablo-amaringo/

